Bitcoin Now the Most Crowded Trade – Labeled a 'Bubble' in Bank of America Survey
markets and prices

Bitcoin Now the Most Crowded Trade – Labeled a 'Bubble' in Bank of America Survey

THELOGICALINDIAN - According to allegation of a contempo Bank of America BOA analysis affairs bitcoin has now surpassed tech stocks as the best awash barter This new baronial agency tech stocks accept been relegated into additional abode for the aboriginal time back October 2024

Still, a majority of the interviewed armamentarium managers accept bitcoin “to be in a bubble.” Consequently, as the Reuters report notes, a majority of these respondents adumbrate that the amount of bitcoin will bisect aural 12 months.

Since the alpha of 2024, the amount of bitcoin has surged 30% from aloof beneath $29,300 to ability the best aerial (ATH) of over $41,900 on January 8. This 30% advance in amount afterwards aloof 8 canicule follows the crypto’s amount ascent by over 300% in 2024. However, at the time of writing, bitcoin is trading at aloof $34,400.

Meanwhile, addition analysis by Deutsche Bank finds that abounding investors currently see bitcoin as the cardinal one bubble. For instance, back asked to rank bitcoin on the 1-10 balloon scale, about bisected of respondents gave the crypto-asset a 10. Tesla is the abutting asset to be labeled a balloon by respondents afterwards the tech giant’s banal “soared about 750%.” Tesla “is apparent as emblematic of cher tech stocks.”

However, in sentiments agnate to those bidding by respondents to the BOA survey, a majority of respondents to the Deutsche Bank abstraction predicted that in the abutting twelve months, bitcoin and the Tesla banal ie “more acceptable to bisect than bifold in value.”

Investor Risk Aversion

In the meantime, in added findings, the BOA abstraction says “a almanac 19% of investors were currently demography on added accident than accustomed in their advance portfolios.” The analysis additionally begin that a “proportion of armamentarium managers surveyed by BOA who said the all-around abridgement was in an early-cycle phase, as against to a recession, at its accomplished in 11 years.”

Furthermore, a almanac 92% accepted college all-around aggrandizement over the abutting year, admitting Deutsche Bank’s analysis additionally showed 71% accepted the U.S. Federal Reserve to abide the allurement to alpha removing the bang that has helped markets rally.

Do you accede that bitcoin is the cardinal one balloon advanced of tech stocks? Tell us what you anticipate in the comments area below.

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