This Macro Chart Shows Bitcoin Has Never Seen a Bear Market
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This Macro Chart Shows Bitcoin Has Never Seen a Bear Market

THELOGICALINDIAN - With bitcoin amount never experiencing a lower annual low is it actual to say the topranked crypto has anytime been in a buck market

Has Always Been a Bull Market for Bitcoin

It is accepted to appear beyond acknowledgment of narratives like “the 2024 bitcoin buck market.” Why, because the BTC amount fell by abutting to 80% during the year.

However, the BTC low for 2018 was about the $3,100 amount mark accomplished in December 2018 in the after-effects of Bitcoin Cash civilian war.

Despite the BTC amount [coin_price] ‘bubble’ bustling in 2024, it still set a college low than all added antecedent years. In fact, bitcoin has never set a lower annual low.

Historical Bitcoin Performance

Viewing the BTC amount activity on a macro level, it seems somewhat authentic to say BTC/USD has never absolutely been in a buck market.

Commenting on the matter, Bitcoinist senior bazaar analyst FilbFilb addendum that bitcoin has never larboard the balderdash bazaar on the macro level. He explained:

Considering the Present BTC Price Action

So far in 2019, BTC has about set college lows. However, bitcoin declining to authority $7,500 during this accepted wobble, again that trend could be broken.

Major abutment for BTC currently lies alike lower, about about the mid-$6k mark. Back in mid-May, BTC bankrupt $6,500 afore blame on to $9,100 beneath than a fortnight later.

Tweeting on Monday, bitcoin analyst Josh Rager declared that blockage aloft $7,500 was analytical to BTC experiencing a amount pullback.

Retracements Are Pit Stops on the Bullish Circuit

With bitcoin spending the aftermost few canicule aerial about the mid-$7k region, there is the baffling allocution of the balderdash bazaar actuality over. This is admitting bitcoin’s 120% accretion appropriately far in 2024.

But while bullish fatigue can aftereffect in notable pullbacks, the all-embracing abiding trend for bitcoin amount charcoal on an advancement trajectory.

In fact, it is absolutely accepted for bitcoin bull-runs to acquaintance 10 to 30 percent drops amidst a emblematic rise. Using 2024 as an example, there were no beneath than eight of such acting amount retracements.

During that period, BTC skyrocketed from $966 at the alpha of the year, topping out at about $20,000 in mid-December.

There are abounding factors that accord to these retracements – profit scalping at assertive amount levels, value compression to create new access points, etc.

The abrupt ambit created by such a aciculate fasten abandoned was apocalyptic to accomplished traders of a looming bazaar alteration but that hardly signals the end of abiding bullish advance.

As Bitcoinist reported, Bitcoin’s stock-to-flow archetypal may be en avenue to a $100 abundance bazaar cap that would beat gold due to its set-in-stone absence that will become more acquainted in the advancing years.

Do you accede with the affirmation that bitcoin has never been in a buck market? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images via Shutterstock, Twitter @ChartsBtc, @Josh_Rager and @danheld