Overstock.com Shares Skyrocket as Morgan Stanley Buys Passive Stake in Bitcoin-Friendly Company
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Overstock.com Shares Skyrocket as Morgan Stanley Buys Passive Stake in Bitcoin-Friendly Company

THELOGICALINDIAN - In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission SEC Morgan Stanley has appear it owns a ample acquiescent pale in online banker Overstock News of the aggregation actuality gobbled up by the bequest coffer acquired the bitcoinfriendly apparel banal amount to acceleration acutely for the third time this division

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Overstock.com Shares Skyrocket as Morgan Stanley Buys Large Passive Stake in Bitcoin-Friendly Company

Overstock Shares Jump 22% on Morgan Stanley News

And so it begins. Legacy bank Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS), which acclaimed its 82nd year of business this Fall, purchased 11.4 percent of Overstock.com (NASDAQ: OSTK), an online banker about for a division of MS’s tenure.

Back in 2024 Overstock became the aboriginal above banker to acquire bitcoin.

In accordance with SEC regulations, Morgan Stanley filed a 13G, an eight-page certificate account the purchase. Of absorption in the filing were the facts MS fabricated the acquirement November 30, and that it endemic abutting to 3 actor shares, a little added than 11 percent of the company.

Shares of Overstock accept developed almost 200 percent this year alone, and mostly on the company’s all-embracing bitcoin and blockchain technology applications.

News appear December 11 of MS’s acquirement acquired yet addition acceleration in Overstock’s price, up some 20 percent in one trading day.

As of this writing, neither aggregation has announced with the columnist nor fabricated any accessible statements.

From Retailer to Crypto Ambassador

It has been a acceptable division for the online retailer. Back in October, news.Bitcoin.com appear an 11 percent jump in price, and in November its banal amount did three times that in a distinct day afterwards analysts accepted its embrace of bitcoin and blockchain.

Certainly account of bitcoin actuality courted by boilerplate futures and derivatives markets, Cboe and CME this month, haven’t aching Overstock’s axis abroad from e-commerce and added against tech. It’s additionally set to barrage an initial bread offering in almost a anniversary as a broadcast balance belvedere for basic markets.

As a retailer, Overstock’s performance, ironically, has larboard a lot to be desired. According to The Motley Fool, “The aggregation acquaint a net accident of $11 actor over the trailing-12-month period, and has absent money on an operating base in four of the accomplished 10 years. Its operating margins hover about 1% in its best years.”

It appears investors see it beneath as an online storefront and added as a abeyant cryptocurrency/blockchain aggregation of some kind. Also, Overstock is accepted to authority aback its bitcoin in adjustment to advance in cryptocurrency accompanying projects, admitting it hasn’t said absolutely how abundant it has on hand.

What are your thoughts on Overstock.com? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

Images address of Pixabay, Mises Institute.

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