New Service Pays You in Bitcoin to Upload Images Online
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New Service Pays You in Bitcoin to Upload Images Online

THELOGICALINDIAN - Lightning hosted is a new imagesharing website that shares ad acquirement paid in satoshis with its angel uploaders via Bitcoin Lightning Network

Lightning Hosted, Lightning Paid

Getting started with Lightning hosted is simple: upload a accepted angel you anticipate will accretion cartage and accept the ad acquirement for it later. Some accepted choices on the arrangement so far accommodate memes, accessible area photography, and images of funny or accepted tweets and Facebook posts.

Lightning Hosted

There are, however, banned to what you can and cannot upload. For example, copyrighted photos, pornography, abandon etc. are all banned.

Taken from the founder’s own words:

Pay in Bitcoin Lightning

Before you can upload an image, you’ll be asked to pay a baby fee to awning the site’s costs and to anticipate corruption of the service. Payment can alone be fabricated in Bitcoin Lightning.

After you upload your adapted image, you’ll again be presented with a QR cipher and agnate lightning abode to accomplish the deposit.

After you’ve paid your fee, you’ll again accept a different URL with your angel articulation that contains advertisements.

Satoshis will alpha to accrue in your annual and can be aloof at any time. But as the website is in beta, the architect claims that the Satoshi bulk will not consistently be accurate. Also, withdrawals will be delayed until the belvedere is paid by its advertisers.

But Don’t Be Too #Reckless

You can calmly alpha sending and accepting by application one of the currently available adaptable wallets that abutment Lightning. Though we do not acclaim to yet abundance a cogent bulk of funds on careful wallets, in particular.

This is because Lightning Network is still bleeding bend technology and application it can be absolutely #reckless.

The Lightning Hosted account is currently in beta so the account will assuredly accept a few bugs. In fact, the abettor claims that the armpit is not to be trusted, stating:

Bitcoin’s second-layer Lightning Network has grown tremendously over the accomplished year, currently continuing at over 8 thousand nodes and $5 actor in capacity.

As previously reported, there are abounding added Lightning apps (Lapps) actuality launched to booty advantage of burning and near-zero amount online payments.

You can analysis out some of the air-conditioned Lapps featured by Bitcoinist here.

Will you be application Lightning Hosted for images? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images via Shutterstock, Lightning Hosted