Samsung Participates in Series A Round That Raised $25 Million for a Metaverse Startup

Samsung Participates in Series A Round That Raised $25 Million for a Metaverse Startup

THELOGICALINDIAN - A Korean metaverse startup Doubleme is said to accept aloft 25 actor in a Series A annular that saw the arch South Korean electronics architect Samsung Electronics booty part

Capital Raised to Fund Marketing Efforts

The South Korean electronics and smartphone maker Samsung is appear to accept alternate in Series A allotment which aloft $25 actor for a Korea-based metaverse startup, Doubleme. The annular was led by Coentry Investment and NH Investment.

According to a Techinasia report, the startup, which was founded in 2015 by Albert Kim, Michael Kuczynski, and Heeyoung Kim, will use the funds aloft for artefact development, business and hiring purposes.

Doubleme additionally aims to commercially barrage a Twin World metaverse belvedere that supports bogus absoluteness accessories after in the year, the address added.

Twin World, which was launched in November 2024, allows users to actualize an bogus absoluteness acquaintance in any concrete location. Since its launch, the belvedere has generated about $4.5 actor in acquirement from its advantageous barter that are begin beyond 17 cities.

Prior to the latest allotment round, Doubleme had ahead aloft $1 actor in agriculture funding. In addition, the startup had additionally accustomed a $16 actor admission from the South Korean and the U.K. government. Samsung has been doubling-down on metaverse and NFT concepts for absolutely some time.

At the end of March, Samsung partnered with Nifty Gateway in adjustment to accommodate NFT tech into the firm’s calendar of acute television products. During the aboriginal anniversary of January, Samsung launched a basic adaptation of the company’s electronics abundance in the Decentraland metaverse world.

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