Bitmain Unveils 2 Bitcoin Miners With Max Speeds Up to 110TH/s Per Unit

Bitmain Unveils 2 Bitcoin Miners With Max Speeds Up to 110TH/s Per Unit

THELOGICALINDIAN - On Thursday the Chinabased mining rig architect Bitmain appear the barrage of two new Antminer S19 alternation models that action amid 95 to 110 abundance hashes per additional THs The Antminer S19 Pro archetypal with 110THs and 29 joules per terahash JTH is 24 abundance hashes per additional faster than Microbts latest Whatsminer M30S archetypal 86THs

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Bitmain Launches the S19 Series Processing Up to 110 Trillion Hashes per Second

Bitmain, one of the top mining rig manufacturers worldwide, has appear two new machines that backpack a massive bulk of terahash. On February 27, the firm’s official Twitter annual appear the barrage of the Antminer S19 series, assuming rigs that action hashrates amid 95-110TH/s. The company’s website shows the machines currently accept an bearding aircraft date and the armpit says the dates are “to be bent (TBD).” The two S19 variants cannot be purchased aloof yet either. The abridgement of a accomplished aircraft date ability be due to the delay in Chinese shipments globally that accept affected abundant Chinese bitcoin mining rig manufacturers. The website shows a account of the two S19 Antminers and offers blueprint as well.

The Antminer S19 Pro commands up to 110TH/s and processes the SHA256 accord algorithm (BTC, BCH, BSV). A distinct assemblage pulls 3250W from the bank and has an ability appraisement of 29 J/TH. The S19 Pro looks abundant beyond than the boilerplate mining rig today and weighs about 15.5kg. The lower end archetypal Antminer S19 (95 TH/s) weighs 16.5kg and pulls the aforementioned bulk of wattage (3250W) off the wall.

The advertence ability ability on the bank for the lower end S19 archetypal is additionally 29 J/TH. The prices for Bitmain’s next-generation miners are additionally bottomless and will acceptable be appear aloof afore the sale. Besides the new S19 series, Bitmain has the best able miner on the market, as the S17 packs 73 TH/s and alone pulls 2920W from the wall. At columnist time application the accepted BTC barter ante on February 27, the S17 captures $5.72 a day with electrical ante at $0.12 per kWh.

Bitmain Unveils 2 Bitcoin Miners With Max Speeds Up to 110TH/s Per Unit

Bitmain’s Latest Mining Rigs Outperform Microbt and Canaan’s Latest Efforts

The latest Microbt apparatus that’s due to barrage in April claims to action 86TH/s. The Microbt Whatsminer M30S processes the SHA256 algorithm as able-bodied and pulls 3268W from the wall. If addition had their easily on a Whatsminer M30S today, the accepted BTC barter ante would see the apparatus accumulation by $7.23 per day application the $0.12 per kWh rate. Below Bitmain’s S17 and Microbt’s M30S, two added Bitmain machines abduction the arch positions back it comes to the best assisting SHA256 miners. The Antminer S17 Pro and the S17e action amid 53TH/s-64TH/s. Canaan’s Avalonminer 1166 claims top speeds of about 68TH/s and added notable miners today accommodate rigs bogus by Innosilicon and Strongu.

The latest S19 alternation from Bitmain comes at a time back the all-embracing SHA256 hashrate is before best highs. The BTC arrangement has been benumbed forth aloft the 100 exahash per additional ambit (EH/s), BCH has amid 4-6EH/s, and BSV has 2.6EH/s today. It’s additionally absorbing to agenda that a few mining rig manufacturers accept acutely stepped abroad from the ASIC competition. For instance, Ebang miners are no best on the top of the accelerated mining rig list, as the latest Ebit series alone abduction 44TH/s per unit. For about the aforementioned amount of the Ebit 44TH/s machine, you can get a Canaan Avalonminer 1166 ($1,978) with 24TH/s added hashrate.

For $350 less, bodies can get an Antminer S17 from Bitmain, which is alone 1TH/s beneath hashes than the Canaan Avalonminer. Other models created by companies like Bitfury, Bitfily, Holic, Aladdin, GMO, Halong, and Pantech are able-bodied beneath the beginning these canicule back it comes to profitability. This is unless of advance bodies still use these machines with abundantly low electrical ante from assertive countries.

10X the Hashrate per Unit Than the ASIC Miners Produced Four Years Ago

The S19’s are additionally appreciably faster than machines were four years ago, as the top mining rigs in 2016 included a few models from Bitmain as well. In 2016, the firm’s aboriginal Antminer S9 candy alone 12.9TH/s, but at the time it was the best apparatus on the bazaar according to assorted reviews. Bitmain additionally awash the Antminer S5 and S7 alternation in 2016 as able-bodied and those machines alone candy 1155GH/s to 4TH/s.

Four years ago besides Bitmain, both Bitfury and Canaan additionally disqualified the ASIC accomplishment industry with Canaan’s Avalonminer 6 (3.5 TH/s) and as Bitfury announced accumulation bearing 16nm semiconductors. In 2016, ASIC manufacturers leveraged the 28nm accepted and Bitfury’s 16nm architecture befuddled the antagonism up. Although, the aftermost apparatus Bitfury appear does action 80TH/s and it utilizes added able 14nm chips. But it consumes 6300W off the bank and at the $0.12 per kWh rate, Bitfury Tardis machines lose $5.45 per day per assemblage application today’s BTC barter rate. The top machines in the bazaar in 2020 advance far above 10-7nm semiconductors and they are added than 10X faster than machines congenital four years ago.

What do you anticipate about the latest S19 alternation of miners produced by Bitmain? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

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Image credits: Shutterstock, Wiki Commons, Bitmain, Canaan, Microbt, Wiki Commons, Steemit, Fair Use, and Pixabay.

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