Cryptocurrency Mining Industry Sees Influx of New Hardware

Cryptocurrency Mining Industry Sees Influx of New Hardware

THELOGICALINDIAN - On April 3 2025 the Chinese based close Bitmain Technologies had launched its latest miner the Antminer E3 The new premanufactured mining rig processes the hashing algorithm Ethhash the PoW accord agreement for the Ethereum arrangement Lately Bitmain has been absolution a agglomeration of new articles including the Antminer X3 which mines Cryptonight algorithms for bill like monero and a bulk of added mining accessories

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The Latest Ethhash and Cryptonight Miners

Bitmain is a acclaimed architect of cryptocurrency mining accouterments and added accompanying services. The aggregation was founded in 2013 by Jihan Wu and the close has fabricated absolutely a name for itself over the years. Last year the aggregation produced a whopping acquirement of over $4 billion, authoritative it one of the better technology companies in China. The aggregation has been authoritative BTC miners for absolutely some time, and anon offered both birr and litecoin miners as time passed. Just afresh the close has clearly launched two added miners which accept acquired acrimonious discussions amid arrangement participants throughout a few cryptocurrency ecosystems.

This anniversary the aggregation launched the Antminer E3; a cryptocurrency mining accessory that processes the Ethhash (an ethereum ETH) hashing algorithm. The apparatus boasts a 180MH/s and the aggregation has started aircraft accumulation one. The E3 barrage advertisement had affronted up a agglomeration of ethereum association associates who are absolutely acerb that an application-specific chip ambit (ASIC) accessory of this consequence has been appear to the public. Associates of the ethereum association are already calling for a faster adamantine fork to abstain these types of ASIC miners. Some ETH association associates explained that the conception of these accessories accurate the charge to accept “a consistently appointed PoW change, like monero.”

The monero (XMR) association has been adverse the aforementioned dilemma, as Bitmain has aloof launched the Antminer X3 which mines the Cryptonight hashing algorithm. This agency bill like monero, boolberry, and other Cryptonight-based coins can be mined application the X3 at a amount of 220KH/s, according to Bitmain.

Halong Miners Dragonmint Claims to Produce 16 Terrahash and Utilize ASIC Boost Technology

Bitmain has antagonism advancing as able-bodied as development teams from DMM, GMO Group, and more. Further, this anniversary individuals started accepting their Halong Mining Dragonmint 16T1 SHA-256 miners which, according to the company, are awful able cryptocurrency ASIC processors. Halong says the miners are a cast new bearing of accessories that affirmation to aftermath 16TH/s and additionally acquaint the accessories use of apparent ASIC Boost technology.

The account follows the abundant altercation surrounding ASIC Boost, alongside the bearding appearance Cobra Bitcoin, the co-owner of, calling Halong Mining a scam operation. Many cryptocurrency association associates were agnostic of the angary of Halong’s machines, but machines were delivered to barter this week. There are assorted videos of individuals opening boxes of Dragonmint machines and alike side-by-side comparisons to Bitmain chips. At this moment in time, it is adamantine to say if Halong machines accomplish as able-bodied as the company’s claimed blueprint but it is acceptable reviews of these machines will appear shortly.

 The New Avalon 841 SHA-256 miner

Then there’s the new absolution by Canaan Creative’s new 8th bearing SHA-256 miner. The Avalon 841 is a banal miner that claims to acquire a ability burning of .099 Joules per Gigahash and a hashrate of 13TH/s. The accessory is powered by 104 Canaan bogus A3210HP 16nm ASICs. Canaan’s Avalon alternation miners accept been a acclaimed cast for absolutely some time compared to ample firms like Bitmain. Additionally, Canaan has declared that it is in the bosom of alive on the abutting bearing Avalons 861, 921, and the 10 alternation miners.

Over the years mining accessories are acceptable added added able and semiconductors are aloof accepting abate and faster. Aloof afresh the Japanese close GMO Group claims it will be ablution miners with 7-nanometer technology. It’s safe to say that the acid bend addition and antagonism aural the mining industry is abiding to calefaction up alike added over the abutting few years.  

What do you anticipate about the latest mining accessories advancing to the market? Let us apperceive your thoughts in the comments below.

Images via Pixabay, Bitmain, Halong Mining, and Canaan websites. 

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