ETH Mining Not Profitable, Miner Heats Home With ASIC Rigs

ETH Mining Not Profitable, Miner Heats Home With ASIC Rigs

THELOGICALINDIAN - In contempo mining account Susquehanna International Group has appear that it is no best assisting to abundance ether with a GPU In added account a Canadian miner has taken to Twitter to allotment photos of a arrangement that recycles the calefaction generated by his six ASIC miners while Jihan Wu has accused Craig Wright of attempting to conduct a 51 percent advance on the Bitcoin Cash network

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Susquehanna Claims It’s ‘No Longer Profitable’
to Mine ETH with GPUs

Susquehanna International Group, a all-around trading and technology company, has appear that mining ETH with a cartoon processing assemblage (GPU) is no best a assisting activity. According to the company’s analysis, the dollar-denominated account allotment from GPU mining of ETH fell to about aught as of Nov. 1. In a agenda issued to clients, Christopher Rolland — a semiconductor analyst for Susquehanna International — clearly stated that GPU ETH mining is “no best profitable.”

According to the company’s analysis, the advantage of GPU mining of ether ailing at about $65 per ages at the alpha of the year, afore bottomward as low as $20 in April, as a aftereffect of a cogent bead in the amount of ETH during the aboriginal quarter. Advantage rose to almost $30 throughout best of the additional quarter, afore sliding bottomward to aught in the afterward months.

Canadian Miner Heats Home with Six S9 Antminers

A Canadian cryptocurrency miner has tweeted a photo of a ancestor heating arrangement advised to calefaction his 600-square-foot home application recycled calefaction generated by six ASIC miners. He claimed that the arrangement is able to “comfortably heat” his home at his “desired temperature” and is operational year-round. The miner explained that balance calefaction is recirculated alfresco of his home and that the bureaucracy is “fully quiet.”

Wu Accuses Wright of Attempting 51% Attack

ETH Mining Not Profitable, Miner Heats Home With ASIC RigsAt the contempo Nikkei/CNBC “Future of Money” appointment in Tokyo, Jihan Wu — the co-founder of Bitmain — took aim at Craig Wright and proof-of-stake (PoS) mining. Discussing the contempo Bitcoin Cash angle and consecutive assortment war, Wu declared Wright’s accomplishments as an “attempted 51 percent advance on BCH,” abacus that “no one should try and booty the association by force.”

Turning to criticize PoS mining, Wu declared that it presents abundant “unsolved problems and accident factors” that accept yet to be resolved.

Do you anticipate that a animation in amount will restore the advantage of ETH GPU mining? Share your thoughts in the comments area below.

Images address of Shutterstock, Susquehanna, Twitter

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