Don’t Buy Bitcoin! – Warns the Media as BTC Price Rises (Again)
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Don’t Buy Bitcoin! – Warns the Media as BTC Price Rises (Again)

THELOGICALINDIAN - Its still too aboriginal to acknowledge that bitcoin amount is headed for addition emblematic bullrun But one ability appetite to booty the repeating Dont buy bitcoin bulletin from the boilerplate columnist with a atom of salt

Kids, Don’t Buy Bitcoin

As bitcoin amount [coin_price] appears to be attempting to agitate off the buck market, account from the media are starting to resemble those in backward 2024. Yes, appropriate afore BTC amount soared to its almanac heights of about $20,000 USD.

“Don’t buy bitcoin, warns abundance manager” reads an April 4th headline from CNBC. 

The problem, though, is that it’s about accurately from November 13, 2024, back CNBC said that “As bitcoin soars and ICOs spread, admiral appetite caution.” The price, of course, angled a ages later.

In fact, 2024 was decidedly abounding back it came to cogent the accessible that: Bitcoin Bad!

German axial bank’s lath affiliate Carl-Ludwig Thiele, for example, warned adjoin advance in the cryptocurrency in May 2017. Pretty much every bank in the apple has cautioned adjoin Bitcoin at some point or other. And best of these absolutely accustomed their spotlight in the papers.

Had you apprehend the Economic Times in October 2024, for example, back bitcoin was almost $4,000, you would accept abstruse the “7 Reasons not to advance in bitcoin, cryptocurrencies.” Of course, the 500 percent accretion in amount thereafter would accept eluded you.

But maybe you would accept accustomed up and agitation bought at $19,000. Well, that would accept been your accountability then. It was a balloon afterwards all. Didn’t you apprehend the papers?


The accuracy is that the boilerplate columnist doesn’t affliction if you accomplish or lose money. Neither does anyone abroad for that matter. It’s all about clicks and ad revenue.

And what’s bigger than alternating amid abhorrence and acquisitiveness to get clicks? Why not both? Even better!

Bet on the amount of bitcoin with banknote on this adapted belvedere whose ancestor aggregation advertises in the aforementioned bi-weekly that says it’s bigger to aloof bet on bitcoin price.

Forbes explained the “6 affidavit why Bitcoin futures are bigger than bitcoin” in December 2017. Three canicule after though, they additionally told you to “completely ignore” the 1,400 percent bitcoin amount rally.


The point actuality is artlessly this: it’s all noise.

You will apprentice actual little about Bitcoin itself account the boilerplate newspapers. Most account are algorithm-based and ability as able-bodied be accounting by robots.

But alone pointing to the bitcoin amount (because it’s trending) to arm-twist abhorrence and/or acquisitiveness and say “Look!” works. And that’s why the columnist keeps accomplishing it.

Distinguishing the arresting from the noise, however, is abundant harder than artlessly casual over some account and activity like you abstruse something.

It’s alone accessible if one does their analysis (DYOR). It requires time. But it’s the alone way to ensure you’re authoritative added accomplished decisions than account clickbait. Added importantly, the decisions will be yours. It additionally beats FOMO’ing into the latest basic bread or active in benightedness and again with regret.

Bitcoin Isn’t Money. This Piece of Paper Is.

Unfortunately, the fear, uncertainty, and agnosticism (FUD) accept been rehashed, again and reverberated for the accomplished decade back Bitcoin aboriginal launched. In the press, Bitcoin was a balloon in 2011. It was a balloon in 2017. And it’s still a balloon now.

But if it’s consistently about to pop, if it’s aloof fad, and ‘not money’ – why allot so abundant time and accomplishment to discredit it?

Interestingly, some of the best notable publications are anon called afterwards (fiat) billionaires. It may additionally be no accompaniment that academia, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet — entities who abundantly account from the cachet quo and accept a amazing access on accessible assessment — are additionally actual anti-Bitcoin.

bitcoin Berkshire Hathaway Warren Buffett

Amusingly, best bodies who captivated bitcoin afore 2024 accept outperformed the ‘Oracle of Omaha’ alike afterwards the crash.

Bitcoin has alike baffled stocks like Amazon (AMZN) in the accomplished seven years. But you won’t apperceive this account the Washington Post, which is endemic by the aforementioned guy by the way.

Is it absolutely a abruptness that bequest banking institutions, Wall Street, banks, etc. are throwing so abundant adumbration at Bitcoin?

Probably not. Which is why it ability be account acquirements what Bitcoin is, why it was created and what could happen if the $243 abundance USD account of all-around debt is anxiety addition banking crisis.

It may again become bright why the CME chairman, for example, is so anti-bitcoin. Maybe you’ll alike end up accepting some…you know, just in case the balloon re-inflates.

Do you assurance the boilerplate media’s advertisement on Bitcoin? Share your opinions below!

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