Elastos Is Creating The New Internet... On Your TV

Elastos Is Creating The New Internet... On Your TV


Big Brother is Watching, but you ability be able to jailbreak your Telescreen. Elastos, a Chinese-based blockchain project, is inching appear developing a decentralized “SmartWeb” of home computers and added devices, abacus added layers of aloofness and abstracts aegis than accepted basement allows. 

In a columnist release, the activity appear that 100,000 Elastos TV Boxes were awash in August alone, acknowledgment to a affiliation with Shanghai Shijiu TV. The abstracts put Elastos on clue to ability a million Carrier Nodes by the end of the year, accouterment the basement for the approaching  decentralized internet.

Each TV Box has appearance for ‘family and friend’ interaction, claimed billow storage, and accumulator in the Interplanetary File System, the aggregation says. The TV Boxes will eventually be home to decentralized applications as well, which will be accordant beyond the Elastos Smart Web.

In an absolute account with Crypto Briefing, Elastos CEO Rong Chen abundant on Elastos’ continued appellation plans.

“Every ancestors will accept a claimed billow computer,” through the Elastos decentralized carrier, he said.

It’s like the carrier for phones. Think of it like AT&T. AT&T is a carrier, but they can actually abjure your buzz number. We can accept a carrier which is accessible source, neutral, and apart running, powered by the Elastos Blockchain. And we’re arising decentralized IDs to the users, so no one can abjure your internet ID.

The abstraction of application “identities” online ability accession eyebrows, but Mr. Chen emphasizes that this isn’t absolutely the aforementioned as a binding KYC. “It’s added like application a Bitcoin address,” he says.  “Because it’s a peer-to-peer communication, I can booty your accessible key from the blockchain and allocution to you.”

But Elastos is not in the business of policing activities on the decentralized web. “We’re not assuming to be the FBI,” Mr. Chen says. “The internet’s a aloof amphitheater for everyone.”

“When we accessible this decentralized carrier, we’re aperture peer-to-peer accretion in accession to peer-to-peer network. It’s not that accessible to accept a agent attack,” Mr. Chen said. “Because of the miners active the Elastos chain, autonomously, there’s no abettor or association abaft it.”

Two Networks In One

Mr. Chen emphasized that arrangement won’t all  be on the blockchain—so you won’t accept to anguish about your awkward pictures actuality stored on a abiding ledger. Only some functions, like affairs of amount and identification, will be candy through the mined blockchain. The latter, as Crypto Briefing has reported, already has its aegis affirmed through the alloyed mining affiliation with Bitmain.

Other functions—like swapping abstracts packets on articulation calls, or abstracts storage, or TV programs and video games—will abide in a normal, peer-to-peer arrangement somewhat agnate to Bittorrent. “The Carrier is a altered layer,” Mr. Chen explained. “It’s a heavy-duty, bartering grade, videoconferencing, book administration network, which is not accessible on the blockchain.”

That arrangement is anchored by the Elastos network’s supernodes, which act as relays for abstracts in barter for Elastos tokens generated from staking and badge inflation. 

It’s adamantine to apprehend the clear balls, abnormally for a activity as abstruse and complicated as Elastos. But for best blockchain systems, the hardest allotment of the action is recruiting abundant users to account from the arrangement furnishings and economies of scale.

For Elastos that’s easy—the blockchain arrangement is able-bodied on its way to extensive a accumulation adoption-sized user base, through affiliation with Shanghai Shijiu TV. The adamantine allotment is accepting bodies to use it.

The columnist is invested in Bitcoin.