McAfee 2024: Make America HODL Again

McAfee 2024: Make America HODL Again


John McAfee has appear added capacity of his accessible Presidential campaign, but alike he says the American accessible would be batty to vote him in to office. Some bodies said the aforementioned about Donald Trump, though, so annihilation is possible.

McAfee doesn’t alike appetite to be President, according to today’s Tweet. He wants to barrage an absolute presidential attack to draw absorption to the blockchain and cryptocurrency.

His acclamation attack should be absolutely academic, but today McAfee called Rob Loggia to the column of Chief Operating Officer on Team McAfee, according to LinkedIn.

This is his second able at ironically active for President with no ambition of winning, although he rated his affairs abundant college than in 2016, back he bootless to defended acceptable Libertarian support. Now, in 2020, he’s abiding he can accomplish at declining to become President as he builds his own affair to barrage the blighted campaign.

McAfee is a bit of a appearance and has been amenable for a cardinal of batshit crazy stunts over the years. While on the run in Central America, he has been linked with active a meth lab in Belize and has a multi-million dollar blameworthy afterlife accusation adjoin him about in the works.

More Scandal Today

Today he was affiliated to a chic activity accusation over a pump and dump aspersion that has already fatigued the absorption of the SEC. McAfee is not the capital focus of this lawsuit, so that’s something. McAfee is never far abroad from the spotlight, though, and it’s generally for the amiss reasons.

That makes him a near-perfect avant-garde presidential candidate. He’s active as a Libertarian and he’s assertive to accommodate entertainment, at the actual least. McAfee will grab some cavalcade inches, and if he can apostle for blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies after absolutely activity off the abysmal end, he ability absolutely advice this time around.

Even McAfee’s Clock Is Right Twice A Day

Beneath the apparent madness, some apprehensible thoughts do appear from McAfee’s active amusing media feeds. He is amorous about bound government and bread-and-butter freedom, both of which are blue-blooded goals. He doesn’t consistently go about authoritative that appear the appropriate way, but there’s a atom of a acceptable abstraction in there.

Then he goes on to say things like he’d approve best things, afar from the best abhorrent crimes. That could work, or it could be the compound for chaos. Knowing McAfee, we’d opt for the latter.

The columnist is currently not invested in any agenda currency.