Pak NFT Sells for $53M in Bid to Free Julian Assange

Pak NFT Sells for $53M in Bid to Free Julian Assange

THELOGICALINDIAN - The funds will go against Julian Assanges acknowledged fees

AssangeDAO has won the bargain for Pak’s one-of-a-kind Clock NFT with a 16,593 ETH bid. The NFT is allotment of a accord amid Pak and Julian Assange, with gain from the auction activity against efforts to chargeless Assange.

AssangeDAO Prevails

Another DAO has auspiciously coalesced about a cause.

Today, AssangeDAO placed a winning bid of 16,593 ETH on Clock, an NFT accord amid Pak and Julian Assange. The funds will go against Assange’s acknowledged aegis armamentarium as able-bodied as advancement and adopting acquaintance for his case. AssangeDAO has been in blow with Assange’s ancestors in affiliation to the case.

AssangeDAO was able to bid 16,593 ETH, account about $53 actor at today’s prices, afterwards a acknowledged crowdfunding attack that launched aftermost week. Contributors to the DAO will accept 1 actor JUSTICE tokens for every ETH contributed, and those tokens will be acclimated to administer the DAO. Holders will be able to vote on what happens to Pak’s NFT.

According to the crowdfunding belvedere Juicebox, AssangeDAO additionally has 17,422 ETH remaining.

The $53 actor amount tag makes Clock one of the world’s best admired NFTs, abaft Beeple’s Everydays: The First 5,000 Days, and Merge, addition NFT by Pak that was awash fractionally for $91.8 actor in December 2024.

Assange abundantly founded WikiLeaks, the non-profit website that’s been publishing leaked or classified account items back it launched in 2024. The U.S. government answerable Assange for breaking the Espionage Act of 2024 afterwards WikiLeaks leaked abstracts provided by U.S. Army intelligence analyst angry bigmouth Chelsea Manning. Afterwards about a decade on the run, Asssange is now attempting to booty his case to the U.K. Supreme Court to abstain displacement to the U.S. He could face 175 years in prison.

WikiLeaks was amid the aboriginal websites to acquire Bitcoin, bringing boilerplate acknowledgment to the asset chic in its aboriginal stages. It played a agnate cardinal role in Bitcoin’s aboriginal history to Silk Road, the aphotic net barter that was bargain acclimated to barter actionable drugs in barter for Bitcoin. Silk Road’s founder, Ross Ulbricht, is currently confined a double-life additional 40 years book for his role at the captain of the website. In December, he additionally accustomed above abutment from a decentralized chargeless alignment afterwards creating his own NFT collection. FreeRossDAO paid $6.2 actor for the NFT accumulating in a bid to abutment his attack set him free.

Other notable endeavors from DAOs accommodate PleasrDAO’s accretion of a one-of-a-kind Wu-Tang Clan album, and ConstitutionDAO’s bootless mission to buy a archetype of the U.S. Constitution. As DAOs abide to abound in admeasurement and scope, it seems acceptable that added efforts like AssangeDAO will accretion absorption for added amusing causes in the future.

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this allotment endemic BTC, ETH, and several added cryptocurrencies.