Warren Targets Crypto Miners Over “Disturbing” Energy Consumption

Warren Targets Crypto Miners Over “Disturbing” Energy Consumption

THELOGICALINDIAN - Congressional Democrats led by the articulate anticrypto crusader Senator Elizabeth Warren accept beatific a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Activity advancement the two agencies to actualize rules acute crypto miners to address their activity use and emissions data

Senator Elizabeth Warren has alleged out the crypto industry yet again. This time, U.S.-based cryptocurrency miners are in her crosshairs.

Warren Pushes for Crypto Miner Reporting Requirements

Senator Elizabeth Warren and bristles added Democratic Congress associates accept beatific a letter allurement the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Activity to appoint activity and carbon emissions advertisement requirements on crypto mining companies.

In the letter beatific to the two agencies Friday, the agilely anti-crypto Massachusetts agent and the added Democratic assembly aggregate advice apropos their contempo analysis into the declared ecology impacts of cryptocurrency mining. The assembly aggregate abstracts from the seven better crypto mining companies in the U.S. and assured that the miners had a “major appulse on altitude change.” As a result, they argued, “federal action is necessary.”

“The after-effects of our investigation, which aggregate abstracts from aloof seven companies, are disturbing,” the assembly wrote, abacus that the crypto miners are “large activity users that annual for a significant—and rapidly growing—amount of carbon emissions.” According to the Warren-led investigation, the seven companies abandoned had developed over 1,045 MW accommodation for cryptocurrency mining. This equates to about abundant activity to ability every address in Houston, Texas, the letter noted. 

Notably, the letter featured abridged abstracts voluntarily provided by the seven mining firms, as able-bodied as boilerplate media accessories and abstracts based on widely debunked studies. Nonetheless, the Congress associates argued that the after-effects of their analysis alleged for a charge to catch bottomward on the arguable mining sector.

To abode the ecology apropos categorical in the letter, the assembly accept proposed arty added acrimonious advertisement requirements on cryptocurrency miners. Specifically, the assembly asked the Ecology Protection Agency and Department of Activity to assignment calm and use all accessible authorities at their auctioning to crave U.S.-based mining companies to address on their activity use and emissions. According to the letter, this calm abstracts would bigger acquaint approaching authoritative and acquiesce for bigger clay of civic and bounded filigree endless and transitions.

This isn’t the aboriginal time Senator Warren has alleged for a added heavy-handed access against the crypto industry. In a July 2021 CNBC interview, Warren memorably affronted crypto enthusiasts back she compared agenda assets like Bitcoin to drugs and snake oil and alleged for an burning authoritative crackdown on the market. Later that month, she beatific a letter to the SEC, allurement the balance regulator to accost the abeyant risks of cryptocurrency and act added actually to assure investors.

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this commodity endemic ETH and several added cryptocurrencies.