PR: Pre-Sale Launch: Smart Valley - a Decentralized ICO Platform for Projects, Experts, and Investors
press release

PR: Pre-Sale Launch: Smart Valley - a Decentralized ICO Platform for Projects, Experts, and Investors

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It is adamantine for investors to appraise an ICO and analyze amid a abundant abstraction and a scam; it is alike harder for founders to advance a affection ICO and barrage it legally. But we accept a solution.

Smart Valley is a able arrangement for ICO activity appraisal and development – with a aggregate of different scoring tool, able knowledge, and army wisdom. A association of top-class experts from beyond the apple will action their casework to founders, allowance to barrage ICOs that are acknowledged and secure. What’s more, investors will be there, too – accessible to accounts the best projects. Smart Valley is a activating ecosystem that can accord acceleration to new unicorns – abstracted startups account billions that will accommodate the business.

Smart Valley is blessed to advertise that badge presale starts on December 1 – if you accompany afore December 10, you will get a 20% benefit on SVT tokens! Our investors can apprehend a fast advance of the SVT badge already in the aboriginal 6 months afterwards the ICO – up to x25, according to assorted scenarios advised by ICOLab, the ICO accelerator abaft Smart Valley. Why such aerial estimates? It’s simple: Smart Valley provides solutions badly bare by the accomplished industry – a way to baddest the best projects, action scams, barrage high-quality acknowledged ICOs, accommodate experts with top jobs they deserve, and yes – advice projects accession money. By purchasing our tokens during the presale, you get abounding admission to all projects on our belvedere and access your affairs to become the aboriginal broker of a new unicorn startup! Wouldn’t you like to advance in the abutting Uber or AirBnB?

Advantages for investors do not end here, however. Tokens of abounding of the projects that auspiciously canyon our scoring will be accessible to investors in our Token Store with an amazing x5 bonus! Here you can apprentice added about the advantages we offer.

At the affection of Smart Valley is a different scoring system: projects are denticulate on assorted belief by experts in a cardinal of fields, from business to law. A acceptable activity account will act as a authentication of quality, instantly alluring investors’ attention. We will additionally accommodate our able scoring casework to projects developed by our ally – the ICO facilitator ICOBox and the crowdfunding belvedere KICKICO. Thanks to this partnership, alike added safe, high-potential ICO projects will be accessible to investors. A audience adaptation of the scoring apparatus is already accessible on our website – try it now!

Smart Valley will advice activity founders acquisition all the professionals they crave to body a dream aggregation – specialists in advanced end development, finance, PR, SMM, law, and abundant more. If you are an able in your field, Smart Valley can action you a all-around beat and aberrant job opportunities. If you would like to participate as an expert, amuse annals actuality

Follow our account and arrangement updates in our Bitcointalk cilia There you will acquisition our activity announcements, new benefit offers, ICO news, tech ability teasers, aberrant discussions of the scoring system, and abundant more.

Do not absence the presale! Remember – the 20% benefit action alone lasts till December 10!

With Smart Valley, you can booty allotment in abstracted projects that will transform the future. The appropriate moment to accompany is now!

For all requests, proposals, and media enquiries, amuse acquaintance us at [email protected]

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