AAX to Integrate with Lightning Network for a Faster and Better User Experience
press release

AAX to Integrate with Lightning Network for a Faster and Better User Experience

THELOGICALINDIAN - By amalgam with the Lightning Network AAX will accredit users to accelerate BTC in realtime at a basal cost

AAX, the aboriginal cryptocurrency barter to accept implemented the Satoshi (SATs) Standard, is captivated to advertise today its affiliation with the Lightning Network. Thanks to the technology from Lightning Labs, the arch developers of the faster, cheaper, and all-around Layer-2 arrangement for Bitcoin, AAX can additionally convenance its charge in all-embracing the SATS Standard.

AAX is the First Exchange to Use the Satoshi Standard

AAX’s affiliation with Lightning Arrangement underlines its advancing charge of bringing the best avant-garde blockchain technologies to its users. Scaling solutions are in aerial appeal as BTC acceptance is growing and added users are interacting with the network, arch to aggrandized transaction fees and slower processing times. At present, BTC payments can booty 30 account or best to process, with fees of $10 or more.

By amalgam with the Lightning Network, AAX will accredit users to accelerate BTC in real-time at a basal cost. It will ensure a seamless trading acquaintance for every AAX user, from depositing and purchasing tokens to authoritative withdrawals with close-to-zero cat-and-mouse time. The abreast direct affairs additionally accessible the aperture to added possibilities for arbitrage traders on AAX.

A added automated acquaintance for users will additionally accession the acceptance of the new SATS Standard. AAX was the aboriginal cryptocurrency barter to embrace the SATS Standard, which simplifies BTC affairs back users buy or advertise abate amounts of tokens. This accession is advised to accomplish Bitcoin added attainable to new cryptocurrency users, abnormally those advancing from unbanked communities who acceptable accept beneath funds.

Ben Caselin, arch of analysis and action at AAX, said:

“Our move to about-face to a Satoshi Standard and to barrage a committed SATS/USDT atom bazaar that enables anybody to acquirement and save in Bitcoin, at no cost, absolutely alone starts to accomplish faculty if it is accompanying with an affiliation with Lightning Network. Our affiliation with this accessible arrangement makes it accessible for users to not alone trade, but additionally drop and abjure Bitcoin at around no cost. It’s an able and important way for crypto exchanges to advance the acceptance of Bitcoin worldwide.”

AAX is a top-tier crypto barter that caters to a all-around admirers with the eyes of bringing the allowances of crypto to everyone. Through an attainable ambit of articles and by accidental to the chat about crypto and culture, we aim to empower the estimated 96% of bodies common who do not yet own Bitcoin and added agenda assets to body bigger and added across-the-board economies.

Favored by added than two actor users in over 100 countries, AAX is the aboriginal barter to use the Satoshi Standard (SATS) to drive the acceptance of Bitcoin. We are additionally the aboriginal to be powered by LSEG Technology, alms high-yield accumulation packages, 100 atom pairs, acutely aqueous futures markets, approved discounts on above tokens and a ambit of on- and off-ramp products