AscendEX Lists Synchrony, SCY
press release

AscendEX Lists Synchrony, SCY

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE AscendEX is aflame to advertise the Listing of the Synchrony badge SCY beneath the trading brace SCYUSDT starting on Feb 17 at 2 pm UTC

Synchrony is a decentralized asset administration belvedere that utilizes a apartment of analytics and apparatus acquirements algorithms to appraise and optimize sets of on-chain assets. The platform’s amount appearance accommodate copy-trading and composable indices, both accurate by a farmer’s bazaar that allows users to admission assorted blockchains at once. It sounds complicated, but Synchrony simplifies DeFi application Artificial Intelligence, A.I.

On the platform, users can archetype what added traders do, advance irenic with activating indices, and conduct analysis application a abounding apartment of analytics tools. Synchrony aims to accept cross-chain interoperability as anon as possible. With admission to added chains and DeFi applications, they are accouterment added opportunities for users to acquire added with their funds.

Synchrony Labs was founded in Hong Kong by a aggregation of engineers and software architects with decades of acquaintance in acceptable finance, software development, blockchain, and ambitious ventures. Synchrony Labs’ purpose is to body useful, sustainable, and high-quality articles application blockchain technology with a aesthetics of accessibility, equality, and admittance at the affection of the process.

SCY is the account badge for the Synchrony Ecosystem. It can be acclimated to pay for cable services, alleviate assertive appearance through staking, and gives users admission to clandestine chats and community-specific perks.

AscendEX is captivated to accomplice with Synchrony to advice beforehand the advance of the DeFi ecosystem.

About AscendEX

AscendEX is a all-around cryptocurrency barter with a absolute artefact apartment including spot, margin, and futures trading, wallet services, and staking abutment for over 200 blockchain projects such as bitcoin, ether, and ripple. Launched in 2018, AscendEX casework over 1 actor retail and institutional audience globally with a awful aqueous trading belvedere and defended aegis solutions.

AscendEX has emerged as a arch belvedere by ROI on its “initial barter offerings” by acknowledging some of the industry’s best avant-garde projects from the DeFi ecosystem such as Thorchain, xDai Stake, and Serum. AscendEX users accept absolute admission to badge airdrops and the adeptness to acquirement tokens at the ancient accessible stage.

To apprentice added about how AscendEX is leveraging best practices from both Wall Street and the cryptocurrency ecosystem to accompany the best altcoins to its users, amuse appointment

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About Synchrony

Synchrony is a advanced decentralized asset administration belvedere utilizing a adult apartment of analytics and apparatus acquirements algorithms to appraise and optimize sets of on-chain instruments bearing single-click solutions for adapted acknowledgment to an ecosystem’s primitives.

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