Back to Earth – The Most Elusive Crowdfund in Crypto
press release

Back to Earth – The Most Elusive Crowdfund in Crypto

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Back to Earth is a multi-platform science fiction acquaintance that wants to accomplish you accept in the impossible. The crowdfund begins on April 26th, 2024, but clashing abounding crowdfunds of the past, the Back to Earth attack will alone be accessible to associates of the accessible who can acquisition it.

The Back to Earth acquaintance is congenital from the arena up, utilizing assorted abstruse mediums and amusing platforms to absorb and appoint the audience. The adventure revolves about groundbreaking technology that has angry altruism into aggressive, academician asleep animals. A few survivors charge adventurous this new apple in adjustment to balance altruism and save themselves.

Connecting the acquaintance beyond all platforms will be StarCredits, a basic badge congenital on the Ethereum blockchain. StarCredits will be acclimated to collaborate with the adventure in a way that pushes the banned on avant-garde storytelling. The StarCredit badge will acquiesce players to vote on adventure outcomes, aggregate in bold content, alleviate appropriate appearance and puzzles, and more.

The aggregation includes an accomplished accumulation of nationally accustomed writers, producers, software developers, and Emmy award-winning creators.

Joining the crowdfund will crave a barometer articulation from Back to Earth or a association member. Barometer links may be broadcast through the Back to Earth Newsletter and Telegram community.

If you are advantageous abundant to acquisition a barometer articulation and accompany the crowdfund you will receive:

A claimed barometer articulation that can be accustomed to accompany and followers. You will be adored with 50 StarCredits for anyone who follows this articulation and donates a minimum of .05 BTC.

If you accord .75 BTC or added you will additionally accept a different blockchain based asset that will accord you admission to chargeless tokens in a additional crowdfund or appropriate Back to Earth content/events.

The crowdfund begins on April 26th and will run for four weeks, or until the max cap of 750 BTC is reached. Most crowdfunds are accessible to the public, so Back to Earth hopes that the exclusivity of their crowdfund will actualize a different acquaintance for the cryptographic association as a whole. You can apprentice added on their website at and chase them on Twitter at @backtoearthARG

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