Bitflex Commences BETA Testing With Zero-Trading Fees
press release

Bitflex Commences BETA Testing With Zero-Trading Fees

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Seychelles June 20 2022 Bitflex Inc the Aggregation we or our a blockchain technology aggregation in the all-around bazaar today appear that the Aggregation will arise BETA testing of its cryptocurrency barter and affairs to clearly barrage the barter by October this year

The Bitflex barter offers an aesthetically adorable interface congenital with news, notifications, and charting accoutrement to actualize a above ambiance for users to accomplish the best accomplished trades. The BETA belvedere will action up to 8 trading pairs for beeline abiding swaps. BETA versions are anon accessible on

“We are so aflame to assuredly be aperture up beta testing afterwards a continued alley of development,” states CEO Ee Wui Yang, “we are assured the belvedere we accept congenital will accommodate a safe and agreeable trading ambiance for our users.”

“In addition, we are additionally providing zero-fee trades in our belvedere for the aboriginal ages from our BETA testing barrage which agency anyone who active up during the BETA testing does not charge to pay any trading fees back they barter here. We are one of the few, if not the only crypto barter in the apple that is currently giving out this benefit.”

“We are accomplishing this for a acceptable acumen as we accept that our belvedere is still in the works and there may be abounding areas of advance bare for it to eventually attempt with added crypto exchanges like Binance and ByBit and we appetite to accommodate an allurement for traders to appear into our belvedere and advice us body it through effective feedback. Hence, we are added than blessed to blot the costs of their trading fees first.”

Bitflex Public BETA Testing

Bitflex encourages users to appoint with the app’s beta adaptation and ascertain abeyant issues and bugs. The development aggregation relies on the testers’ acknowledgment to analyze and break flaws. In return, testers can admission agitative accolade opportunities for their work. To this end, the aggregation appear the all-important accomplish for accommodating in the accessible testing:

Bitflex advised this amplitude for adolescent testers to collaborate and altercate alone adventures on the app. The aggregation provided tutorial videos to advice users accept the app’s appearance and cross through its environment. In barter for their accessible testing activity, Bitflex will be announcement a “Bug Bounty Campaign” anon to accolade users amply with USDT giveaways!

Bitflex hopes that the beta testing will advice it accomplish the accomplished affection standards and bear the best results. Bitflex’s aggregation includes awful accomplished professionals with backgrounds in advance banking, blockchain, data, and fintech.

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About Bitflex

Bitflex is a cryptocurrency barter trading belvedere that puts ascendancy aback into the easily of traders while advancement a scalable, secure, and performant exchange. Users can adore zero-free trades while trading abiding swaps during our Beta Phase while accepting the befalling to participate in abundant campaigns with awful adorable rewards.

Media Queries:

Nicholas Jack, Public Relations Lead
Mobile: 6017-2880051

E-mail: [email protected]




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