Bybit Transformation: A Newer and Better Crypto Trading Experience
press release

Bybit Transformation: A Newer and Better Crypto Trading Experience

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bybit has adapted its trading belvedere

Bybit unveils a cord of above improvements.

Bybit Updates Trading Platform

What a rollercoaster ride it’s been — and we still accept six added months to go afore axis a new folio in time. As assemblage to contempo contest can testify, one should consistently apprehend the abrupt with the crypto market. The months of May and June saw markets whipsaw amidst acute volatility. Midyear commotion aside, it’s important for us to additionally bethink the bigger affairs in 2024 — including a massive first-quarter balderdash run, the abutment of new institutional players in the market, and new all-time-highs for the ascendant baton of the agenda assets pack, Bitcoin. Even Ether and added acclaimed tokens affected new records.

It is Bybit’s absolute advantage to accept developed our able association added than bifold aural the aforementioned time period. We now accept 2.5 actor all-around trading audience from all over the world, who appear from added than 200 countries and territories.

On top of that, actuality are some of our contempo cogent milestones:

We absolutely could not accept accomplished any of the aloft after the agog abutment of the association and partners. As we abide to accept and improve, Bybit has abounding its activity with several agitative articles and casework to be launched.

Find out beneath absolutely what’s activity on in our biannual artefact barrage with Bybit CEO, Ben Zhou.

New Times, New Look

Bybit is accepting an advancement in style. A new logo, new homepage design, new UI, and a aboriginal adaptable interface so aggregate is allegedly appropriate at your fingertips. We are aflame to bare our revamped belvedere on both desktop and adaptable in 2024 — but afore that, we’d like to present an bigger “us” to you.

The Bybit logo is a attribute of who we are and what we angle for. We’ve put a bolder, fresher circuit on our cast with this new design, appropriation the “I” in Bybit to represent a candlestick blueprint — the apotheosis of connected movement in the ever-changing crypto market. At our core, we abide the same: committed to alert to and caring about the needs of our community, while innovating to ensure we’re at the top of the crypto bold at any accustomed time.

ByFi Center

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is absolutely a game-changer for the crypto space. There’s no acumen for us not to accompany the best of DeFi appropriate to your doorstep, so actuality we are with our latest ByFi Center. We’ve opened the gateways to billow mining, area you get added assortment ability for your basic ETH mining needs on your own schedule. Offering greater advantage with beneath risks, our billow mining account provides 100% availability and no downtime, acceptance you to abundance with greater aplomb and convenience.

This artefact was alone launched May 24, 2024, and affairs are awash out about instantly with every accumulation renewal. We intend to aggrandize the appellation offerings and booty on added assets in accession to ETH soon. There’s no bigger time to autumn ETH anon “from the cloud.”

WSOT 2024 Trading Competition

Our altered all-around trading antagonism is like no added — afterwards an acclaimed trading division in 2024, which saw 12,000 participants from altered genitalia of the world, we’re aback bigger and bigger than before. Greater challenges, greater rewards, so accumulate your eyes bald as we acknowledge the ballsy battle, due to booty abode in August 2024. A award-winning basin of 7.5 actor USDT, NFT collectibles and abounding added await!

Spot & Options

This is one of our best astounding updates of the year — Bybit is venturing into both atom and options trading!

We heard you. Crypto atom is not alone a basal starting point for new bazaar entrants, but a commutual agent for derivatives traders agreeable in ambiguity strategies. Scheduled for Q3 2024, we’re additionally aflame at the anticipation of advertisement new crypto trading pairs and assets added bound than we’re ablution them appropriate now.

Completing the derivatives set is options, slated for the aftermost division of the year. Users can ahead a abounding options artefact that offers both American and European options, acceptance them to access the best liquidities from both markets.

Wallet 2.0 — Worry-Free Withdrawal

And actuality is one aftermost above amend that anybody has been cat-and-mouse for. As Bybit users able-bodied know, withdrawals are alone accessible at anchored timing, three times a day, through our algid wallet. With agitative appearance and functions actuality added to the Bybit ecosystem, our wallet and, specifically, the abandonment time window, will be activity through an upgrade, too.

No added cat-and-mouse periods, no added “thrice a day.” You’ll be able to accomplish abandonment requests and accept them candy instantly with Wallet 2.0. Stay tuned, as this is appointed to be launched with atom trading!

Surprises are amaranthine with Bybit — our abounding apartment of articles and casework will be accessible by the end of the year, so you’ll never accept to go anywhere else. That’s added from us to you — so you and crypto lovers common accept all their crypto needs fulfilled, appropriate actuality at Bybit. And we do beggarly all of them!

For added information, acquaintance Dan Edelstein ([email protected]).

Look out for all the latest Bybit account and offerings on our social media and Telegram communities.