CEX.IO to Provide One-Click DeFi Access, Lists New Tokens, and Offers Instant 0% Fee Visa Deposits
press release

CEX.IO to Provide One-Click DeFi Access, Lists New Tokens, and Offers Instant 0% Fee Visa Deposits

THELOGICALINDIAN - LONDON the United Kingdom September 26 CEXIO one of the arch all-embracing cryptocurrency exchanges announces its affairs for entering the decentralized accounts DeFi bazaar To set the date CEXIO lists above DeFi tokens on its barter belvedere and offers burning 0 fee Visa deposits to its barter for a bound time aeon The UKbased companys ultimate ambition is to accommodate CEXIO barter oneclick admission to the best accepted DeFi solutions and activities such as borrowing lending and crop agriculture in the abreast future

CEX.IO is advertisement the afterward tokens of above decentralized accounts solutions on its cryptocurrency barter platform:

Listing the tokens on the CEX.IO belvedere provides allowances for assorted participants of the agenda asset market. While cryptocurrency enthusiasts can get complex in the advancing $10 billion DeFi market, accepted participants can barter the tokens to barrier their risks, administer their exposure, and fix the amount of their profit. Furthermore, the captivation of CEX.IO’s all-embracing user abject of over 3 actor barter adds a akin of assortment to the DeFi industry’s participants.

For easier onboarding to the DeFi bazaar and to appearance CEX.IO’s commitment, the cryptocurrency barter offers instant, 0% fee Visa agenda deposits for its users as allotment of a bound promotional aeon abiding until the end of September. In accession to that, CEX.IO users can use their antithesis to barter not alone the anew listed DeFi tokens but additionally any added assets on the platform.

“DeFi can action abounding avenues to participate in the accessible banking system. A cardinal of projects with ample valuations that sprung into actuality in a abbreviate aeon of time and accumulated an absorbing bulk of bound basic appearance that the absorption is there. Yet the actual accord in the DeFi abridgement charcoal technically complex. Our role actuality is to abolish those hurdles”, – declared Oleksandr Lutskevych, CEX.IO’s architect and CEO.

CEX.IO has already apparent its charge to the DeFi industry by afresh accretion its ecosystem with new crypto-finance solutions. Earlier in September, the UK-based close launched CEX.IO Loan to acquiesce its all-embracing user abject to borrow adjoin their agenda asset backing instantly after acclaim checks. In January, CEX.IO alien its cryptocurrency staking service. With CEX.IO Staking, the exchange’s barter can acquire rewards for captivation agenda assets in their barter wallets. The service’s users accept the rewards as automated payouts for nine altered cryptocurrencies.

About CEX.IO

Founded in 2013, the London-based CEX.IO operates one of the better all-embracing exchanges of the cryptocurrency market. With a multi-functional agenda asset barter and a aggregation of over 250 professionals at offices in the UK, USA, Ukraine, Cyprus, and Gibraltar, CEX.IO serves over 3 actor barter worldwide. As allotment of an ever-expanding ecosystem, CEX.IO apparel the needs of assorted crypto bazaar participants, from entry-level cryptocurrency users to able traders as able-bodied as institutions and businesses, with a reliable, high-security agenda asset service.

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