CGC | DAPP Announced – a Definitive NFT, DeFi, Gaming Event – December 10-11
press release

CGC | DAPP Announced – a Definitive NFT, DeFi, Gaming Event – December 10-11


CGC | DAPP is the sixth chapter of a aboriginal accession to the active CGC contest series, this time with a focus on NFT, DeFi, and Gaming. The online accident will booty abode on December 10-11, alluring 1000 assembly apery added than 300 companies from all over the world.

As the blockchain ecosystem matures, developers harnessing the ability of cutting-edge technologies actualize safer, user-friendlier applied articles area accuracy and decentralization is key to user-owned worlds, accessible economies, and banking freedom.

Industry-defining companies, advance startups, and able speakers will allotment ability and altercate the intersection, interoperability, and amount of NFT DeFi Gaming admixture for businesses and individuals in gaming, agenda goods, and accounts sectors.

Powered by PINE tool, a web app advised to run online events, CGC | DAPP is adopting the bar for basic appointment experiences, featuring talks and panels with the latest industry insights, additional business affairs and networking as able-bodied as a basic bazaar area for beginning tech and products. All the offline appearance in an online appearance – no affectation required!

CGC Advertise is a basic bazaar for startups and indie developers. They can present projects to all attendees of CGC | DAPP, including investors, media, adolescent developers, platforms, and anybody else, to get admired feedback, accomplish partnerships, and barrage the artefact to the moon! A chargeless advertise atom is offered for called projects.

Over 50 speakers, including founders and C-levels of top confusing startups, visionaries, and industry thought-leaders, will be accomplishing presentations and debating about the decentralized approaching and seismic about-face in entertainment, asset ownership, and finance. Take a adventitious to apprentice from and to babble with innovators and antecedents of arising tech.

CGC | DAPP offers a array of networking opportunities to get the best out of participation. Connect and mix with adolescent attendees in a clandestine chat, a accumulation chat, or via accidental meetings. Join the chat with speakers in affair chats, appoint with exhibitors, and advertise projects at their basic booths. Make new acquaintances and altercate opportunities.

CGC has been active a alternation of all-embracing business contest about technology and video amateur back aboriginal 2018, targeting blockchain, VR/AR, and bold industry professionals and enthusiasts aflame about addition in games. Five conferences accept already taken place, bringing calm added than 7000 assembly from over 60 countries and creating hundreds of new partnerships and opportunities. Designed as a all-around ability center, a advertise of arising tech and trends, and a belvedere for networking, CGC’s cold is the broadcasting and accumulation acceptance of confusing technologies set to change the video amateur industry. Added advice at

Contact person:

Mary Yakovleva

[email protected]  

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