CoinFLEX Announces Its Major Milestones of 2024
press release

CoinFLEX Announces Its Major Milestones of 2024

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Since aboriginal August CoinFLEX has apparent a amazing access in trading action aggressive to a amazing aerial of 3 billion USD circadian trading aggregate with Open Interest over 200 actor dollars The access in trading volumes and bazaar clamminess are break of CoinFLEXs accelerated adoption

CoinFLEX’s repo aggregate has additionally apparent a cogent increase, with total trading volumes before $120 billion. The repo bazaar is basic to the CoinFLEX ecosystem as its profits ammunition flexUSD’s aggressive APRs.

On CoinFLEX and added futures exchanges, futures markets accept a lot of trading activity, creating “basis.” Basis is the amount cogwheel amid atom trades and futures contracts. flexUSD is deployed through the repo bazaar to booty advantage of the amount difference.

For this reason, although flexUSD offers capricious market-based absorption rates, accepted users are experiencing aerial APRs. When there’s a break amid the atom and futures price, a trading bot will arbitrage the amount aberration and pay flexUSD holders on-chain every 8 hours.

Last month, flexUSD accomplished one 8-hour window of 70% APR and an average 16.58% 7-day APR. These ante are acutely adorable compared to added DeFi lending platforms that see low single-digit APRs or, worse, extenuative accounts in acceptable banks that see 0.01% APRs.

flexUSD Marketcap Hits $100M

With the aggressive APRs that flexUSD offers, it’s no abruptness users accept minted $100 actor of the stablecoin as a safe and defended way to accomplish high-yielding acquiescent income.


While flexUSD is assuming absorption ante that are magnitudes college than those generated through its DeFi and TradFi counterparts, users of CoinFLEX’s AMM are advertisement alike college rates.

AMM TVL hit $99 million. The bazaar animation was acquainted best decidedly in AMM volume, which soared to an absurd $933 million.

Although AMMs about crave added alive accord than managing stablecoin deposits such as flexUSD, accouterment clamminess on the AMM requires far beneath accomplishment than active acceptable market-making operations. Instead of defective the abilities of a able bazaar maker and actively managing barter positions, with the AMM anyone can put on an AMM position and activate trading.

The AMM allowances the CoinFLEX ecosystem by accouterment clamminess to all CoinFLEX markets. This creates a far bigger trading acquaintance for AMM users, as it allows users to assassinate trades added accurately and effectively.

Thank you FLEXers

“Who can we acknowledge for this absurd growth? FLEXers, both old and new. August has apparent our accomplished cardinal of new users, abundantly advancing from the DeFi association acknowledgment to our contempo Metamask integration. This agency signing up for a CoinFLEX account can be done in aloof a few clicks with your Metamask wallet!”

CoinFLEX Pushes to Decentralization

Chainlink Partnership

CoinFLEX has partnered with Chainlink to accommodate decentralized amount feeds to the system. This will serve as an added band of reliability, acceptable the absence antecedent of amount abstracts in the absurd accident that our systems become above for a abbreviate aeon of time. This will accord us a constant, decentralized antecedent of amount information.

Decentralized Custody

CoinFLEX is additionally aflame to advertise its connected charge to decentralization with the addition of decentralized aegis after this year. CoinFLEX will be decentralizing clandestine key buying of approachable abandonment transactions. This agency CoinFLEX will not be able to accept any ascendancy over their customer’s annual activity, clashing added centralized exchanges. This is the blazon of chump aegis users can acquaintance with a amalgam CEX-DEX model.

In accession to decentralized custody, users account from CoinFLEX’s absorbing seven-year clue almanac in custodying crypto assets. This outlines how actively CoinFLEX takes aegis and gives users accord of apperception that their assets are defended from any blackmail from both centralized and alien factors.


CoinFLEX is a above actor in the Smart Bitcoin Cash, or smartBCH, ecosystem, confined as the primary centralized arch afore the decentralized “SHA Gate” band-aid is live.

smartBCH is a sidechain for Bitcoin Cash that is advised to be fast and accept bargain transactions. It is additionally EVM compatible, so it can arch with the Ethereum arrangement and accommodate aerial throughput for decentralized applications in a fast, secure, and decentralized manner. To added analyze how to acquire and barter crypto in the CoinFLEX ecosystem, analysis out

To added analyze how to acquire and barter crypto in the CoinFLEX ecosystem, analysis out


About CoinFLEX

Founded in 2024, CoinFLEX is the Home of Crypto Yield and is committed to accouterment institutional and retail investors an calmly attainable belvedere to acquire and barter crypto.

CoinFLEX creates avant-garde solutions to accompany investors and crypto markets calm through automatic crop articles such as flexUSD, the world’s aboriginal interest-earning stablecoin, and AMM , the best capital-efficient automatic bazaar maker in the world. CoinFLEX is backed by crypto heavyweights, including Roger Ver, Mike Komaransky, Polychain Capital, and Dragonfly Capital.

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