Community Will Battle Big Investors in Super How's NFT Auction
press release

Community Will Battle Big Investors in Super How's NFT Auction

THELOGICALINDIAN - During the bargain superhowART will host an beginning antagonism amid big investors and the community

The art belvedere superhow.ART is ablution a appropriate NFT auction.

During a week-long event, a 18-carat oil painting, “Head with Legs,” by one of the greatest Russian surrealist artists, Oleg Tselkov, will be auctioned calm with the agnate NFT.

During the auction, superhow.ART will host an beginning antagonism amid big investors and the association of enthusiasts to see who has added ability in their hands.

Organizers are introducing two behest sides: Whales and Shrimps. All bids placed by the Shrimps are accumulated into a pool, which will attempt with the Whale’s bid. If a Whale wins, they get the absolute painting, and the agnate NFT is assigned to them.

If Shrimps win, it will be breach into assorted genitalia that accord to the Shrimp bids and assigned to their wallet addresses. The painting will abide in the arcade but will become co-owned.

Vytautas Kašėta, CEO of superhow.ART, explains:

“We appetite to analysis if whales are stronger than the community. Maybe the association will appearance that baby bazaar players with collective armament can win and become apportioned owners of this admirable advance asset.”

The NFT bazaar is booming; however, the skeptics catechism the absolute banking and aesthetic amount of .jpg images claimed to be account millions. By abrogation the accepted NFT advertising aside, the activity encourages the art association to advance in an authentic, absolutely admired allotment of art and agenda asset.

As blockchain technology is rapidly adopted, Kašėta and the superhow.ART aggregation accept that this is a cogent time for galleries and art investors to get on top of abstruse advancements to accompany new account to the association and actualize amalgam solutions that arch the concrete with the digital. Kašėta claims:

“To tokenize accomplished art agency you accomplish it attainable to added bodies by implementing the fractional buying concepts acclimated in superhow.ART. All this is authoritative a huge appulse on art investors. They charge to advance calm with the bazaar and become added adjustable and advanced if they appetite to accumulate their positions.”

Blockchain, in its essence, empowers the association and decentralization. It can potentially adapt ability dynamics in the circumscribed art bazaar and accompany a new akin of transparency. In addition, Kašėta reassured:

“We will consistently charge experts for affidavit of authenticity, provenance, valuation, yet new technologies will advice and automate the processes, accompany abundant added transparency, amusing relations, amusing acceptance.”

SUPER HOW? is an avant-garde analysis and development aggregation committed to harnessing the ability of blockchain for the advance of association with next-generation solutions. The aggregation acerb believes that blockchain, in aggregation with added new technologies, is the courage of about all the arresting basement with all-inclusive abeyant in abounding domains.

Entering the art apple is the abutting footfall for the aggregation to enhance the acceptance of blockchain technology and ascertain the approaching for NFTs. According to the team, it should be about art and culture, not advertising or low-quality images.