Core Everscale Developers Broxus to Host Elysium Hackathon in Belgrade and Online
press release

Core Everscale Developers Broxus to Host Elysium Hackathon in Belgrade and Online

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Broxus the amount development aggregation abaft abounding of the platforms that accomplish up the Everscale arrangement ecosystem will be hosting its firstever hackathon in Belgrade Serbia from July 1417 The hackathon is the latest development in what has been a arresting 2022 for the Everscale arrangement

Everscale started off the year with its countdown EVERPOINT Appointment in Bali, Indonesia. The appointment was a ceremony appearance the network’s additional ceremony as able-bodied as its full-fledged amplification into the Asian market.

Since EVERPOINT, Everscale’s advance has alone increased. At the alpha of this month, the network’s built-in EVER badge was listed on Huobi and KuCoin, two of the top 10 agenda asset exchanges in the world. In addition, a cardinal of the DeFi platforms powering the Everscale ecosystem accept taken off in popularity.

Chief amid them are Octus Bridge, a multi-network cross-chain Bridge acceptance users to alteration assets to and from the best accepted networks in DeFi, and FlatQube, the network’s best accepted DEX with a abounding alternative of avant-garde appearance like baffled swaps, staking, farming, and a badge builder. These platforms accept been able to abound decidedly due to the abstruse underpinnings of the Everscale network, the best scalable blockchain in existence. Everscale’s scalability makes it accessible for users of the Bridge belvedere to alteration clamminess from arrangement to arrangement near-instantaneously and at apportioned costs.

Now the aggregation that has developed these platforms is throwing bottomward the gauntlet to the world’s best accomplished developers. The Elysium hackathon offers participants the adventitious to accompany ranks with and accomplish their mark on one of the best advancing networks in all of DeFi. In accordance with the hackathon’s name, Elysium will be a advertise of Everscale’s approaching heroes: programmers and developers that accept what it takes to accomplish celebrity (and abundant banknote prizes to boot).

The hackathon will booty abode from July 14-17 in Belgrade, Serbia and online. Those who are able to appear in being will alone charge to accompany their laptops, all added aliment will be covered. Participants will attempt in altered advance with advice from some of Everscale and Broxus’ best accomplished aggregation members. The capital area is spacious, with appointed chill-out areas and aggregate you charge to assignment adamantine and comedy hard.

Full capacity and allotment can be begin here:

About Everscale

Everscale is a new and different blockchain architecture that proposes a scalable decentralized apple computer commutual with a broadcast operating system. Everscale is based on a belvedere alleged Ever OS, able of processing millions of affairs per second, with Turing-complete acute affairs and decentralized user interfaces.

Everscale presents some new and different properties, such as activating multithreading, bendable majority accord and broadcast programming, which accredit it to be scalable, fast and defended at the aforementioned time. It is absolute by a decentralized association founded aloft meritocratic attempt via the Bendable Majority Voting protocol.

Everscale has able developer tools, such as compilers for Solidity and C , SDK and API, applicant libraries ported to added than 20 languages and platforms, a ambit of decentralized browsers and wallets allotment abounding applications in DeFi, NFT, tokenization and babyminding domains.


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