CryptoTanks Partners With CoinFantasy to Accelerate Blockchain-Based Crypto Gaming Ecosystem
press release

CryptoTanks Partners With CoinFantasy to Accelerate Blockchain-Based Crypto Gaming Ecosystem

THELOGICALINDIAN - Crypto Tanks is an avant-garde Play2Earn bold that brings a lot of NFT gameplay aspects

CryptoTanks, an NFT-based play-to-earn cutting bold with a awakening design, today appear a affiliation with the decentralized fantasy gaming belvedere CoinFantasy.

CryptoTanks is Set to Launch this Spring

The affiliation will aggrandize the brand of amateur accessible on CoinFantasy, the architect of a gaming belvedere for crypto banal markets application Non-Fungible Tokens and based on play-to-earn. CoinFantasy is aiming to accommodate crypto gaming application blockchain technology. It boasts a abounding GameFi ecosystem with altered categories of fantasy trading amateur that acquiesce users to attempt & win rewards. Besides it would be ablution a lot of defi elements such as lending, borrowing & Insurance in their appearance 2.

It additionally rewards bold creators and players through a different NFT apparatus as they akin up & ability assertive levels in the platform.

As a absolutely decentralized fantasy gaming platform, CoinFantasy provides users with the befalling to apprentice about altered asset classes such as crypto, banal markets, derivatives and added in a fun way, arena amateur while they learn. Other appearance in CoinFantasy accommodate amusing trading, a metaverse-based banking hub and NFT cards that can be minted and acclimated to accord players an advantage in their admired play-to-earn games.

Crypto Tanks is an NFT-based bold that’s set to barrage this spring. Players will be able to acquire rewards while arena a adequate adaptation of the iconic 2024s’ “Battle City” shoot-em-up with 8-bit cartoon that accomplished band cachet in the history of video games. As a avant-garde adaptation of the hit awakening game, CryptoTanks will booty the acquaintance to addition akin with new features, tanks, maps and locations, as able-bodied as an avant-garde bread-and-butter ambiance that makes it accessible to play-to-earn.

By partnering with CoinFantasy, CryptoTanks will accretion admission to CoinFantasy’s association of bags of ardent amateur players who are agog to acquisition new opportunities to comedy to earn. It will be a mutually benign relationship, with CryptoTanks abacus to the address of CoinFantasy’s belvedere with an absolutely new brand of game, based on an iconic hit appellation from the Nintendo GameBoy era.

Max V., co-founder of CryptoTanks, said:

“We admired the abstraction of CoinFantasy and we are aflame to accomplice with them, as we attending to adorn CryptoTanks with added and added features.”

Harishkarthik Gunalan, co-founder of CoinFantasy, added:

“Crypto Tanks is an avant-garde Play-2-Earn bold that brings a lot of NFT gameplay aspects. We are aflame to accomplice with them to analyze synergies.”

CryptoTanks is a Comedy To Acquire belvedere area every NFT is 100% accessible in the gamified DeFi ecosystem. With Tank NFTs, users can acquire crop and comedy amateur to acquire money. The belvedere is partially endemic and operated by its players. Acquire Tanks tokens by arena and use them to adjudge the approaching of the game! Beautiful design, big affirmed prizes brought to users with gamified crop farming.

CoinFantasy is the World’s aboriginal Play-2-Earn fantasy gaming belvedere for crypto-stock markets.  It is a different ZERO accident bold comedy  in which users acquire money aloof by arena added games. They aim to gamify the crypto-stock markets through the portfolio fantasy gaming in which anybody can body a calendar of crypto/stocks and outsmart the opponents to win rewards. As users’ akin up in the platform, they will be able to excellent attenuate NFTs that accord benefit credibility in the game. Besides these NFTs can be acclimated to get absolute admission in their metaverse.