Curated Metaverse Platform Metropolis World Engages Flare as a Key Interoperability Partner
press release

Curated Metaverse Platform Metropolis World Engages Flare as a Key Interoperability Partner

THELOGICALINDIAN - Flare will accord Metropolis World users the ability to seamlessly move amid altered metaverse ecosystems and blockchains

Metropolis World, a anon to barrage curated metaverse platform, announces a affiliation with Flare, a new blockchain which enables defended decentralized interoperability amid chains and metaverses.

Flare’s Mission to Bridge Metaverses

Flare’s blockchain technology will acquiesce for the seamless movement by users amid altered metaverse ecosystems and blockchains, such as Decentraland and Sandbox, which is a key aspect of Metropolis’ eyes for the metaverse.

The Flare affiliation agency that Metropolis World becomes a one stop destination as it now has a arch into added metaverses. Metropolis users will be able to move into added worlds calmly after borders.

Metropolis World differentiates itself from added metaverse platforms due to its architecture aesthetic: its cities are created digitally by duke and every acreage is a different standalone allotment of art. Unlike the majority of NFT collections Metropolis is not utilizing abundant art to actualize the absolute cities.

The real-world ecosystem is already developed as it has formed partnerships with a advanced ambit of high-profile ambassadors from the worlds of music, art, gaming, NFT, crypto and business whom it is calling founding citizens. These accommodate — 3LAU, Bored Elon, Chad Knight, Dillon Francis, Diplo, Fvckrender, Valfre, Meltem Demirors, Outlier Ventures, Steve Aoki.

Metropolis’ aboriginal metaverse burghal alleged Celeste is ablution in the abatement and over the abutting 12 months it will bead its avatars and the ecommerce platform. Within 18 months it expects to barrage six cities with anniversary acreage awash as an alone NFT.

Hugo Philion, CEO & Co-founder of Flare, said:

“Interoperability is a analytical challenge, not aloof for blockchains, but additionally for metaverses. We allotment Metropolis’ eyes for a seamlessly commutual metaverse universe, and as their key interoperability partner, we will be implementing decentralized and insured LayerCake bridges to ensure safe alteration for all user assets.”

Rashid Ajami, Co-Founder of Metropolis World, said:

“The abetment of Flare enables us to action users the seamless movement amid altered metaverse ecosystems—this absolutely sets us afar and reflects our big account eyes of how the metaverse is activity to evolve.”

Flare is a new Layer 1 blockchain which enables defended accepted interoperability amid chains, ascent the use of blockchain by enabling all agenda assets and on-chain advice to breeze freely. This is cross-chain interoperability with the aegis of multi-chain. Flare brings calm the amount of the non-Turing complete tokens with the transformative ability of acute affairs on a arrangement that can calibration for amount as able-bodied as transaction throughput.