Decentralized Liquidity Underwriter KUU Partners with BENQI to Scale DeFi on Avalanche
press release

Decentralized Liquidity Underwriter KUU Partners with BENQI to Scale DeFi on Avalanche

THELOGICALINDIAN - KUU has entered a collaborative affiliation with Benqi

KUU has appear a affiliation with BENQI.

KUU and BENQI Join Forces

Avalanche-based lending and borrowing agreement BENQI, and KUU, a decentralized clamminess advocate for the Avalanche DeFi ecosystem, accept appear a affiliation to abutment BENQI’s on-chain liquidations. Additionally, KUU will be putting its under-utilized assets into BENQI to accept crop and aerate profitability.

KUU provides reinforcing clamminess by alms beam loans application affiliated clamminess on the protocol. Its name is acquired from “Kuutar,” who is the Goddess of the moon in Finnish mythology.

The decentralized clamminess advocate allows on-chain keepers to calmly abduction on-chain profits and arbitrage opportunities through lending and borrowing bazaar liquidations.

In the accident of a market-wide beam crash, BENQI would crave a ample bulk of basic to cash the under-collateralized loans. Instant admission to KUU’s clamminess pools via beam loans will ensure the aliment of liquidations, deepening the BENQI protocol’s assurance and bazaar efficiency.

“We are actual aflame for our affiliation with BENQI, and accept that calm we can advice advance DeFi action on Avalanche. There will be a flash-loan fee for accessing the KUU clamminess pool, the majority of which will be directed appear the clamminess providers and the KUU Treasury. Further, through KUU’s own centralized bot, contributors to the KUU clamminess basin are able to booty allotment in on-chain activities after active their own infrastructure, blurred the barrier of entry.” said KUU co-founder Tommy Ngo.

KUU is a decentralized agreement advised to accommodate reinforcing clamminess to on-chain keepers to aerate on-chain accumulation through liquidations, DEX arbitrage and added on-chain opportunities. As a common pool, KUU enables users to basin basic into acute affairs to collectively accumulation from on-chain arbitrage and defalcation opportunities. Basic staked in these pools is acclimated to abstract on-chain accumulation opportunities presented by any DeFi agreement on Avalanche.

Built on Avalanche’s awful scalable network, BENQI is an algebraic lending and borrowing protocol. Through BENQI, Avalanche users will be able to acquire absorption on their assets, access acclaim through over-collateralized loans and acquire QI babyminding tokens as rewards for accouterment clamminess on the agreement and Pangolin.

For added information, acquaintance Dan Mgbor ([email protected]).