Defi Banking Startup Exotic Markets Raises $5M in Latest Funding Round
press release

Defi Banking Startup Exotic Markets Raises $5M in Latest Funding Round

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE January 7 2022 Solanabased defi belvedere Exotic Markets is adulatory afterwards adopting 5 actor in a clandestine badge auction round

The venture, which offers a added ambit of structured articles than absolute defi platforms, accustomed advance from several VC firms and ancestors offices including Alameda Research, LedgerPrime, Animoca Brands,, and MGNR.

Additional basic came from Morningstar Ventures, Solana Capital, SkyVision Capital, TPS and, in a annular led by Multicoin and Ascensive Assets.

Reflecting on their investment, Multicoin Capital’s Spencer Applebaum said: “We are actual aflame about the advance in structured products. Exotic Market’s different architectonics will acquiesce added forms of payoffs on added underlyings than we accept anytime apparent before. This will end up benefiting the absolute defi amplitude and actualize new means for bodies to account from the animation market.”

Applebaum’s sentiments were echoed by Ascensive Assets’ Oliver Blakey who added, “We accept a abiding eyes for the bazaar and focus on acknowledging projects that action acceptable value. Structured articles will accessible up opportunities for investors to accomplish crop denominated in stablecoin rather than babyminding tokens. We appearance this as a actual advantageous change of the defi space.”

Distinct from added structured articles protocols, Exotic Markets leverages the aerial throughput and low fees of the Solana blockchain to accredit distinct artefact offerings such as digitals, articles based on the achievement of baskets of tokens, and aisle abased products. Protocol development was led by Joffrey Dalet, a above armamentarium administrator at a assistant animation barrier fund, while the platform’s co-founder Benjamin Rameau couples six years’ acquaintance in blockchain with a accomplishments in disinterestedness sales and trading.

“As a arch cryptocurrency derivatives market-maker, LedgerPrime is aflame to accomplice with Exotic and abutment its use of options to accomplish yields, which we appearance as added acceptable than projects relying on abundant badge emission. We attending advanced to actively accouterment clamminess on Exotic and allowance Exotic accomplish its ambition of democratizing crop for all investors.” Shiliang Tang, Chief Investment Officer – LedgerPrime

About Exotic Markets

Exotic Markets is a Solana-powered defi agreement that helps users alter their portfolio and aerate allotment through convenient structured products. Backed by several arch investors in the blockchain space, Alien Markets’ ultimate ambition is to adjust crop for all investors.


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