Digital Zodiac Heads Surface on APENFT Marketplace: Decentralized World Welcomes Rare NFT Art Pieces
press release

Digital Zodiac Heads Surface on APENFT Marketplace: Decentralized World Welcomes Rare NFT Art Pieces

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Singapore Singapore April 14 HE Justin Sun Ambassador Permanent Representative of Grenada to the WTO Founder of TRON purchased the complete set of Twelve Digital Zodiac Heads the oneofakind NFT art accumulating on March 31 for over 15 actor at the Twelve Digital Zodiac Heads Special Auction hosted by Metapoly XM a cast beneath Poly Auction Xiamen

In affiliation with APENFT Marketplace, Sun will account the Monkey Head NFT from the “Twelve Digital Zodiac Heads” accumulating as the aboriginal NFT collectible for auction afterward the APENFT Marketplace Mainnet barrage on April 15 at 8 p.m. SGT.

APENFT affairs to set the starting amount at 666 WTRX. The accomplished applicant will booty home the admired Monkey Head NFT.

During the auction, the top three accomplished bidders on anniversary day will additionally be adored with a Regular Genesis NFT. Bidders angle a adventitious to accept added bonuses offered by APENFT Marketplace. The accomplished applicant will be awarded a Legendary Genesis NFT; the second-highest applicant recorded back the bargain concludes will accept an absolute Monkey Head-themed Epic Genesis NFT; the third-highest applicant will acquire a WIN NFT HORSE NFT-themed Zodiac Animal Head.

For the aboriginal time, a attenuate art allotment in the agenda anatomy will admission in an bargain anteroom of the decentralized world.

One of the beastly active will additionally be alien as a rare, special-breed horse in WIN NFT HORSE, a horse antagonism bold co-launched by the APENFT Foundation and WINkLink on the TRON blockchain.

The Monkey Head NFT has cogent allegorical amount in Chinese culture, as monkeys represent intelligence and rebellion. The aggregate of the Monkey Head NFT and APENFT Marketplace marks the admission of age-old artworks in the decentralized world.

Digital art is amid the industry’s hottest trends this year, with abounding art forms accretion their attendance into NFTs. People accept amorphous alive their focus to the aesthetic acquaintance in agenda spaces and exhibitions. Auctions of agenda art are acceptable an basic allotment of today’s bargain market. Since 2024, above bargain houses like Sotheby’s and Christie’s accept hosted assorted stand-alone sales for agenda art, all cutting up absorbing absorption and revenue.

The twelve zodiac animals are an important attribute of Chinese ability and its mythology. Every bairn is assigned an advantageous beastly based on their bearing year. These animals are changeless marks that chase anniversary Chinese throughout their life. They serve as a band to advance civic pride and affiliation to their aggregate Chinese heritage. The twelve Old Summer Palace brownish heads are the rarest amidst all the concrete embodiments of these symbols.

As a trailblazer in agenda technology, Sun additionally has a abundant access in the branch of best art collections. Through absolute a countless of artworks by both acceptable masters and arising NFT artists on above trading platforms, Sun has managed to body an absorbing portfolio accumulation art, investment, finance, and more. His collections accommodate works by Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol, Giacometti, Beeple, and Pak, the closing two actuality the two best admired crypto artists worldwide.

In addition, Sun has donated a cardinal of acclaimed works, including Le Nez and Femme nue couchée au collier (Marie-Thérèse), to organizations such as the APENFT Foundation to abutment the development of NFT art.

Through this auction, APENFT Marketplace aims to asperse added bodies in the change of digitized acceptable art, minting a affiliate in the history of blockchain.


Officially registered in Singapore on March 29, 2024, APENFT is backed by the basal technology of the TRON blockchain, with added abutment from the world’s better broadcast accumulator arrangement BitTorrent File Arrangement (BTFS). At the amount of our mission, APENFT aims to facilitate the architect abridgement while catalyzing both banking and cultural admittance in the metaverse. Our eyes is to accommodate both the basic and the absolute worlds seamlessly. APENFT Foundation is the world’s aboriginal NFT art foundation that realizes crossover purchases. We aim to arch conversations amid stakeholders in the acceptable art apple and the agenda art association arising about NFTs, advance amplitude and diversity, augment our multimedia audience, and access all members’ engagement. In the future, our accumulating will be fabricated accessible to the absolute association through a alternation of curated online exhibitions in the metaverse.

APENFT Contact:

Miles Wang

[email protected]



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Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons