Direct Fiat On-Ramps Come to Algorand (ALGO) via Alchemy Pay (ACH)
press release

Direct Fiat On-Ramps Come to Algorand (ALGO) via Alchemy Pay (ACH)

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Singapore 10 January 2022 Algorand ALGO the layer1 blockchain for decentralized and acceptable accounts has added absolute authorization acquittal channels into their arrangement acknowledgment to a new affiliation with Alchemy Pay ACH Alchemy Pay is a acquittal solutions provider that connects authorization and crypto economies and its all-around merchant arrangement now supports Algorands ALGO badge for payments in 65 countries Algorand additionally appear it has abutting the Blockchain Infrastructure Alliance which was inaugurated in October by Alchemy Pay NEO NEAR and Polygon

The affiliation with Alchemy Pay will accredit Algorand to onboard users via authorization acquittal standards like Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, and endless added bounded acquittal channels about the world. The adeptness to accompany new users to the Algorand ecosystem via these boilerplate acquittal methods will admission acceptance by authoritative admission absolute and bypassing the complications of crypto exchanges that can be a barrier to access for many.

The cooperation amid Alchemy Pay and Algorand is a accustomed bout as both are focused on bringing acceptable accounts calm with decentralized, blockchain finance. As a pure-proof-of-stake platform, Algorand is amid the best able networks in agreement of activity usage, which has appealed to environmentally acquainted investors. Algorand was founded by MIT professor, Silvio Micali. Assistant Micali is the almsman of the celebrated Turing Award for computer science and abundant of his assignment has anon impacted the cryptocurrency space.

After actuality added to Alchemy Pay’s crypto-fiat acquittal network, the ALGO badge can be acclimated for business-to-business or customer-to-business payments globally and borderlessly. Alchemy Pay’s acquittal arrangement is focused on adorning crypto accepting by alms low fees and fast adjustment via their software band-aid that requires no appropriate hardware. When ALGO is acclimated to pay online or in-store on the Alchemy Pay arrangement and will be automatically adapted to authorization bill for the accessibility of merchant partners.

Alchemy Pay’s CEO, John Tan, explained, “Our acquittal arrangement gives ALGO ample use as a bill globally. Like us, Algorand is focused on the change of decentralized finance, and we are blessed to be allowance Algorand users move seamlessly amid blockchain and non-blockchain economies.”

In October of this year, Alchemy Pay co-founded the Blockchain Infrastructure Alliance, of which Algorand has now become a member. The accord brings calm industry leaders, innovators, and investors to actualize cooperation beyond all areas of blockchain technology and collectively advance the development of decentralized accounts and added decentralized initiatives. It’s admittance as a founding affiliate will accompany Algorand calm with added arch DeFi projects and added BIA’s aim to body a added unified and stronger blockchain industry.

Algorand’s Head of Developer Advocate, Haichao Zhu, said of the integration, “Algorand has been broadly accepted as the the band-aid for a decentralized, anchored and scalable Layer 1 blockchain. The mission of Algorand has consistently been allotment the acceptable accounts arrangement as able-bodied as developing the web3 era. The affiliation with Alchemy Pay will advice us added aggrandize our ecosystem to accredit abundant added able appliance scenarios and accompany the technology to everyone’s circadian life.”

About Alchemy Pay

Alchemy Pay is an chip authorization and cryptocurrency aperture solutions provider, powering seamless crypto and authorization accepting for merchant networks, developers, and banking institutions. The aggregation drives acceptance of blockchain technology by authoritative crypto investment, bartering transactions, and DeFi casework readily attainable to consumers and institutions in the authorization economy. Today, Alchemy Pay supports over 65 countries with 200 acquittal channels and has touchpoints with added than 2 actor merchants through partnerships with industry giants such as Binance, Shopify, Arcadier, QFPay, and more.

About Algorand Foundation

The Algorand Foundation is committed to accomplishing the all-around affiance of blockchain technology by leveraging the Algorand agreement and open-source software, which was initially advised by Silvio Micali and a aggregation of arch scientists. With amount behavior in the enactment of an open, public, and permissionless blockchain, the Algorand Foundation has a eyes for an across-the-board ecosystem that provides an befalling for anybody to accouter the abeyant of an candid and absolutely borderless economy.




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