Fan Controlled Football DAO Powered By Flare
press release

Fan Controlled Football DAO Powered By Flare

THELOGICALINDIAN - FCF and Flare are laying the background for a approaching amplification aggregation absolutely controlled by a DAO to be congenital on Flare

Flare, the blockchain basement antecedents bringing EVM accordant acute affairs to simple acquittal chains like XRP, Doge and others, has appear a new affiliation with Fan Controlled Football (FCF) to ability the league’s collectible NFTs & set the date for a DAO voting belvedere which would actualize the aboriginal able sports aggregation controlled by a DAO on a blockchain.

FCF will Mint and Issue the League’s First-Ever Commemorative Season v1.0 NFTs on Flare.

Each NFT will abbreviate a video blow of a key moment from FCF’s agitative Season v1.0, such as Johnny Manziel’s aboriginal breeze in the league, Josh “Flash” Gordon’s game-winning barrage mary bolt in his aboriginal FCF game, or the fan-called, bold acceptable walk-off touchdown in the FCF People’s Championship game.  Once Season v2.0 commences, FCF will abide to abduction key moments and action them to admirers via play-to-earn NFT drops that accolade admirers for accommodating in drafting the players and calling the plays in real-time.

In accession to NFTs, FCF and Flare are laying the background for a approaching amplification aggregation absolutely controlled by a DAO (decentralized free organization) to be congenital on Flare. Flare’s different blockchain lego anatomy will advice bear the DAO architecture for admirers to coact in a seamless, cellophane appearance and body on the affiance of greater association power.

A DAO-led amplification aggregation follows FCF’s eyes for addition and would add to the FCF’s different mix of teams, which includes the afresh appear Ballerz Collective – two NFT-controlled amplification teams with buying groups that accommodate Steve Aoki, 888, Tiki and Ronde Barber, and the Knights of Degen NFT community.

As allotment of the affiliation Flare will become a alliance sponsor, accouterment the new arrangement with chip branding during the FCF’s live, alternate amateur apparent by millions of admirers about the apple on, NBCLX, Peacock, and DAZN.

Flare’s Turing-complete acute affairs and low carbon brand allows admirers to advance their aggregation to glory, on the blockchain, after the ecology costs associated with acceptable accord solutions.

Flare isn’t the alone archetype of FCF leveraging avant-garde technologies to enhance the fan experience. Prior to FCF’s aboriginal division in Feb. 2024, the alliance appear an affiliation with IBM Watson and hinted at a Watson-led AI amplification aggregation advancing in a approaching season.

Hugo Philion, CEO and Co-Founder at Flare, said:

”After the astounding success of division 1, we are actually captivated to ascertain our affiliation with the all-around sports disruptors Fan Controlled Football. Utilizing DAOs and NFTs congenital on Flare agency the accord football admirers accept craved for years but the absolute bartering archetypal of action prevented is now possible. Excitingly, division 2 will be exploding from Twitch into the metaverse and beyond. Passionate admirers of American Football appear and own your aggregation and accomplish your calls appear in absolute life.”

Sohrob Farudi, CEO and Co-Founder of Fan Controlled Football, added:

“We are abundantly aflame to assignment with Flare and its aggregation to analyze all the possibilities the Flare arrangement opens for FCF. Building on Flare allows us to tap into communities and ecosystems like XRP, DOGE, and Litecoin that were ahead bankrupt to the apple of NFTs and blockchain-based play-to-earn gaming.”

Flare is a scalable, low carbon, low cost, awful decentralized acute arrangement belvedere that runs the Ethereum Virtual Machine and utilizes Federated Byzantine Agreement-based consensus. The platform’s built-in badge Spark (FLR) enables Flare to absolve amazing amount in assorted ecosystems and blockchain communities. Flare is different in that it derives its arrangement anatomy from its basal chip networks, leveraging the decentralization and aegis of the basal networks. Flare’s development aggregation appearance experts from the worlds of cyberbanking engineering, broadcast systems, breakthrough computing, mathematics, computer science, quantitative accounts and accident management.

Fan Controlled Football (FCF) is a real-world able sports alliance ample with pro-caliber athletes arena fast-paced, high-scoring 7-vs-7 appearance of football on a 50-yard field, area the admirers are in charge. For the aboriginal time in sports history, admirers get to alarm all the shots for their team, including aggregation branding, amateur drafting and real-time comedy calling. Games are streamed alive on Twitch, NBCLX, Peacock, and DAZN.