FiscusDAO: Official Token Launch
press release

FiscusDAO: Official Token Launch

THELOGICALINDIAN - This barrage marks the aboriginal time the accepted accessible will be able to participate in tokenized activity finance

The all-chain band-aid will anon activate utilizing its treasury to accommodate on-chain badge allowances through off-chain activity finance. The aboriginal aeon of adjourned projects represents an advancing $25 billion in absolute activity costs size.

FiscusDAO Official Token Launch (FISC)

FiscusDAO today about launched its token, FISC. FiscusDAO is a decentralized free alignment (DAO) advised to actualize amount by digitally bridging the acquirement from concrete assets, via acute contracts, to the blockchain. This barrage marks the aboriginal time the accepted accessible will be able to participate in tokenized activity finance.

Key appearance of the FISC badge include:

· 100 actor absolute badge supply

· An antecedent staking APY of 50,000%, halving every 10 actor tokens

· Third-Party Bake – A acknowledgment and bake action that utilizes a allocation of the revenues generated by the treasury to acquirement tokens on the accessible market, advocacy demand, and destroyed, accretion the amount of anniversary token

· Fiscus Plus – Project costs for association sourced projects, with the acquirement accouterment Stable Coin rewards for FISC holders

Phil Raglin, Founder of FiscusDAO, said:

“Fiscus is the best of both worlds… on-chain and off-chain. Revenue is our utility, backs our treasury, and sets us apart. With the accessible barrage of our token, anybody can now participate in the allowances of our absurd association and technology. We are abundantly aflame for this new era for FiscusDAO, cryptocurrency, and decentralized accounts as a accomplished that this barrage brings.”

This account comes in the deathwatch of abounding contempo initiatives and accomplishments, including:

· Fiscus Plus

· Fiscus Funds

· Public accuracy committees

FiscusDAO is a decentralized free alignment (DAO) creating amount by digitally transforming the acquirement from concrete real-world assets via acute affairs to the blockchain creating a banking anatomy that utilizes both on-chain and off-chain assets. FiscusDAO allows its associates to partake in a advanced ambit of structured finance-led projects that they would not contrarily accept admission to in the accessible market.

FiscusDAO utilizes its treasury to accommodate projects that are gluttonous allotment with a accessory assets (set-aside). This set-aside is placed into a acute contract, never abrogation the control of the FiscusDAO treasury, and serves as a affidavit of funds acceptance the activity to accept funding, of which a allocation is beatific to the FiscusDAO treasury as compensation.