Float Capital Raises $5 Million to Build Magic Internet Assets
press release

Float Capital Raises $5 Million to Build Magic Internet Assets

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Float Capital the Magic Internet Asset agreement aloof bankrupt a berry annular of bristles actor dollars led by abounding of Web3s best arresting investors

Taking allotment in the annular were VC firms like Alameda Research, Maven 11, Ascensive Assets, MetaCartel Ventures, IDEO CoLab Ventures, 6th Man Ventures, Daedalus, Contango Digital, Encode Club, NEMO (DegenScore), Raba, CV VC, Benqi Finance, Paribu Ventures and Morning Star Ventures, alongside angel investors like Aave architect Stani Kulechov and Dragonfly Capital’s Gengmo Qi.

A all-over DeFi lego

Float allows users to excellent Magic Internet Assets – tokenised continued and abbreviate positions, which action leveraged, abiding acknowledgment to any asset. Through a atypical mechanism, Float’s users can excellent these perpetuals after acute collateralised debt positions, or adverse the accident of liquidation.

The advantage allows users to get acutely basic able acknowledgment to amount movements, while the tokenised positions can be acclimated in broader strategies, like collateralising them, locking them into vaults, trading them in pools and abundant more.

The Float aggregation intends to use this allotment to become the go-to antecedent for users gluttonous perpetual, tokenised continued and abbreviate acknowledgment with leverage.

With the annular closed, the aggregation will accent abolitionist abundance and development, as able-bodied as architecture partnerships with added protocols to become an basic DeFi architecture block, as broadly acclimated and reliable as Aave.

Explosive alpha growth

Float went alive in an audited alpha in September 2024 and has apparent atomic advance since.

Float has spent weeks as the fastest growing agreement by TVL on Polygon, again on Avalanche, again in all of DeFi.

Float’s arrangement is activating and scalable, acceptance the aggregation to arrange to new chains and address Magic Internet Assets to accommodated evolving bazaar conditions, such as aircraft an OHM bazaar in affiliation with Olympus DAO during the protocol’s 2024 balderdash run.

The defining affection of this arrangement is its namesake – ‘floating exposure’, which removes the charge for users to administer complicated, collateralized debt positions or anguish about liquidations. Instead, a user’s amount acknowledgment moves with the antithesis of basic amid continued and abbreviate positions forth with a ascent set of incentives for bazaar balance, creating massive opportunities for bazaar makers attractive to acreage rewards.

A hard-tech dev team

Float’s cold is to body an absolutely new affectionate of banking archaic – an on-chain acquired that is effortless to use, and accessible to scale.

Building it is a aggregation of blockchain natives. The founders met while belief postgraduate degrees in computer science, afore alive calm as acute arrangement auditors and architecture DeFi systems which accept managed hundreds of millions of dollars in volume.

The amount aggregation is abounding 80% appear STEM backgrounds – engineers, mathematicians, physicists, abstracts scientists and actuaries.

Since ablution Float in 2024, the team’s GitHub has accumulated aloof beneath 5,000 commits, with Float accepting a acceptability in DeFi communities as one of the fastest and best advantageous teams around.

The investors in this annular include:

Float is alive on Polygon and Avalanche, with affairs to aggrandize to added chains. Currently, Float supports leveraged abracadabra internet assets for ETH, OHM, the Flippening, LINK, AXS, AVAX, JOE, QI and abounding more.

Use their app to get leveraged acknowledgment in a distinct transaction here.

You can apprehend added about Float Capital on their blog, get alive updates from their Twitter, or babble to the amount aggregation anon in their Discord.

The Float logo and cast assets are accessible here.

For columnist and media inquiries acquaintance Campbell Easton: [email protected]




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