FortKnoxster Launches Its Crypto Suite With Built-in Security and Beyond
press release

FortKnoxster Launches Its Crypto Suite With Built-in Security and Beyond

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Cybersecurity aggregation FortKnoxster launches its onestop crypto app Crypto Suite with a ambit of appearance aimed at the cryptoandsecurity lovers Among the appearance which all are adequate by able endtoend encryption are

With aegis breaches in the apple of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency acceptable added frequent, FortKnoxster has fabricated use of what is accepted as a Hierarchically Derived (HD) wallet model, acceptance added aegis and able protection. Combined with absence and seamless end-to-end encryption, the aegis akin is actual strong.

Crypto Suite, which initially is in beta, is chargeless of allegation to use all appearance in the Crypto Suite. A PRO advancement gives, amid added benefits, admission to absolute encrypted accumulator and calling.

Crypto Suite has a array of use cases, and besides the above, it can additionally be acclimated as a remittance app, as sending crypto in the congenital agent is both cool accessible and fast.

The FortKnoxster belvedere is a multi-device app that can be acclimated both on adaptable and web and can additionally be white-labeled to businesses.

FortKnoxster CEO & co-founder Niels Klitsgaard comments:

“We are blessed and aflame to assuredly barrage our one-stop crypto app, which solves a ambit of challenges best bodies in the crypto amplitude are facing. With Crypto Suite, we advice bodies abundance and administer their crypto assets – but at the aforementioned time, we additionally aegis their communications, abstracts and privacy. Crypto Suite is an easy-to-use band-aid and addresses best crypto needs in one distinct app.”

About FortKnoxster

FortKnoxster is founded by Danish cybersecurity experts and headquartered in Gibraltar, with offices in London and Dubai. FortKnoxster has users in about 200 countries and their account coin, FKX, can be traded at KuCoin and Uniswap.



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