Forward Protocol Raises $1.25 Million to Build Web 3.0 Toolkits for a Value Driven Economy
press release

Forward Protocol Raises $1.25 Million to Build Web 3.0 Toolkits for a Value Driven Economy

THELOGICALINDIAN - Forward Protocol employs an easytouse WordPresslike archetypal to facilitate a nocode ambiance that users can collaborate with alike after abstruse knowledge

Forward Protocol has aloft $1.25 actor beyond two alternation of allotment rounds, alluring advance from arch blockchain projects and adventure basic groups such as, CVVC, AU21, X21, and GDA Capital.

Forward Protocol Introduces the Concept of an Initial Value Offering (IVO) Among Many Others, which Applies the Crowd-Funding Model to Blockchain.

Additional basic came from MEXC, Stakez Capital, Magnus Capital, MarketAcross, Basics Capital, CRT Capital, Polygon Studios, Master Ventures, BlackDragon, Tokenova, Lotus Capital, NFT Technologies, Darkpool Capital, Octopus Capital, ZBS Capital, IBC Group, Polygon Syndicate, Oracles Investment Group, Marathon Capital, Cuan Ventures, Ardura Capital, and Utopian Capital. Polygon additionally contributed a grant.

After adopting $500k in its berry round, Forward accustomed advance totalling $700k in its clandestine allotment annular as it draws afterpiece to its ambition of architecture Web 3.0 toolkits for a value-driven abridgement on a all-around scale.

Forward Protocol co-founder, Karnika E. Yashwant, said:

“Making blockchain technology simple to use for non abstruse bodies is the abutting analytic footfall in our progression appear accumulation acceptance of blockchain. The value-driven abridgement is the abutting blockchain revolution.”

Mitch Rankin, co-founder of Forward Protocol, said:

“When you booty abroad the barrier to access you animate accord ante to skyrocket. We are acceptance focused, accouterment open-source blockchain accoutrement to accredit any alignment in any area to use our toolkits to embrace Web 3.0 in a simple to use, annoyance and drop, no cipher environment.”

Rankin’s statements were echoed by AU21 Alexi Nedeltchev, who added:

“Forward Protocol’s eyes of creating Web 3.0 toolkits is revolutionary, and we see them arch this area while accelerating the acceptance of blockchain  globally.”

Forward Protocol employs an easy-to-use WordPress-like archetypal to facilitate a no-code ambiance that users can collaborate with alike after abstruse knowledge. Also, Forward Protocol provides blockchain toolkits that affix the value-driven economy. The modular architectonics and ready-to-deploy absolutely customizable acute affairs are advised for anyone to accept blockchain technology, after any risk. The protocol’s modular architecture allows any alignment to accept the bore ill-fitted to their belvedere and adapt it to be anatomic to their use case.

Taking advantage of the blockchain’s banking applications, Forward Protocol introduces the abstraction of an Initial Value Offering (IVO) amid abounding others, which applies the crowd-funding archetypal to blockchain. This is a kickstarter affairs on the blockchain, creating cellophane fundraising opportunities and assurance for backers. The Initial Value Offering (IVO) provides a band-aid for creators who charge to advance abundant amounts of time and money into new products, but abridgement the authoritativeness that they will become accepted abundant to awning the costs and assure accumulation for their product. It additionally protects -to-be buyers’ funds  in a agnate way that the kickstarter belvedere works.