FTSE 100 Company, Entain, Deploys Syntropy to Improve Global Network Performance
press release

FTSE 100 Company, Entain, Deploys Syntropy to Improve Global Network Performance

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE PALO ALTO April 7th 2022 Syntropy a transformative Web3 connectivity aggregation announces its new chump the sports action and gaming behemothic Entain The FTSE 100 aggregation is leveraging Syntropys all-around broadcast arrangement with its decentralized free acquisition agreement DARP to affix the companys abstracts centers beyond the apple Syntropys technology reduces cessation and packet accident convalescent the all-embracing achievement and believability of Entains arrangement for its amount alms as able-bodied as its approaching amplification into the metaverse with Ennovate Labs

The Syntropy Relay Arrangement runs on top of the accessible internet and is absolutely programmable. This all-around agenda bolt creates a arrangement of networks composed of the best-connected ISPs, clouds, abstracts centers, and devices, ensuring the best accessible achievement and security. Syntropy’s blockchain-based technology solves the axiological issues with the internet.

“With abounding agitative Web3 and metaverse projects in the making, we accept to face the actuality that the accepted internet basement and acquisition agreement was not advised for achievement access which is a axiological claim to accomplish digitally immersive adventures a reality. Syntropy’s open, decentralized technology overcomes this abstruse roadblock,” said Domas Povilauskas, CEO at Syntropy. “Entain’s advanced networking aggregation accustomed the charge for a Web3-ready connectivity arrangement as they move into ball in the metaverse and NFTs.”

Prior to deployment, Entain conducted a abstruse affidavit of abstraction (PoC), absolute that the absence internet aisle suffered a abundant cessation access with spikes over 1500ms for 35 minutes, which rendered the affiliation unusable. Without any animal intervention, Syntropy’s DARP technology anon detected the achievement botheration and switched to an alternative, best-performing aisle immediately.

“Due to the success of the abstruse PoC with Syntropy’s technology, Entain absitively to become a chump and is already planning a rollout beyond the blow of its all-around footprint, including its 40 geographically broadcast clandestine abstracts centers,” says Domas Povilauskas, CEO at Syntropy. “We are captivated to be a accomplice and abutment their amplification into the metaverse.”

Entain’s success with Syntropy Relay Arrangement shows how the technology can calmly be deployed by an action arrangement and managed through Syntropy Stack. This accumulating of accoutrement and libraries enables enterprises to seamlessly create, automate, scale, and optimize encrypted access amid any accessories or casework active on a cloud, on-premise, or bend location. Leveraging the encryption band of Syntropy Stack, Syntropy Relay Arrangement introduces a acute band of programmability with added encryption-based aegis that is analytical for action adoption.

According to Markus Röglsperger, Head of Network, Datacenter, and Infrastructure Automation, Entain, “Syntropy’s segment-routing access goes above the ambit of acceptable SD-WAN solutions and altogether fits to our action to affix all Entain’s common broadcast sites alone over the internet. Instead of relying on Internet Account Providers area Entain charge accord up ascendancy already a packet leaves the clandestine network, Syntropy’s Relay Arrangement continues to optimize Entain’s cartage while in alteration all the way to the destination. This not alone decidedly reduces packet-loss and round-trip-times, but additionally saves a lot of time ahead spent on troubleshooting issues amid assorted account providers.”

“It is agitative to see the analytical abstracts acquisition agreement that will accredit Web3 actuality acclimated to drive bigger chump adventures in a alive action scenario”, said Shawn Hakl, above SVP Business Product at Verizon and adviser to Syntropy. “The accomplishing of Syntropy’s blockchain-based technology at Entain demonstrates the change of action networking to bear a dynamic, decentralized arrangement topology.

Learn added about Syntropy by visiting, https://www.syntropynet.com/

About Syntropy

Syntropy is a transformative, user-centric connectivity arrangement that meets the avid arrangement demands of Web3. It is advised to break issues accustomed in the accepted internet framework, including performance, privacy, governance, and abortive ability utilization. Syntropy utilizes a aggregate of avant-garde technologies, including blockchain, encryption, achievement routing, and an bread-and-butter archetypal that enables and fosters the conception of a added reliable, defended and faster-performing internet acquaintance for all. To apprentice added appointment www.syntropynet.com

Media Contacts

Kevin Gavin


Tel: 510 910-5191

Email: [email protected]

Gina Jacobs


Email: [email protected]



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