Gate Ventures Invests in SEBA Bank’s Series C Funding Round
press release

Gate Ventures Invests in SEBA Bank’s Series C Funding Round

THELOGICALINDIAN - Gate Ventures was founded with the aim of advance in agitative new companies in the crypto space

Gate Ventures, the adventure basic arm of all-around agenda asset barter, has appear its accord in SEBA Bank’s $119M Series C annular as a bunch affiliate with Altive. SEBA Bank, founded in 2018 and headquartered in Zug Switzerland, is a FINMA-licensed coffer that offers agenda banking, trading, and careful casework for institutional investors and High Networth Individuals (HNWIs).

Gate Ventures Firmly Believes that it is the Right Time to Invest in Digital Banks like SEBA

Currently, SEBA is accurate in over 25 countries and regions globally with a annual advance of 1,400 % in trading volume. Gate Ventures accept that SEBA is well-positioned to abduction the growing institutional acceptance of agenda assets, which will in about-face adapt the all-embracing cryptocurrency market. With the funds raised, SEBA will seek to access licenses in Abu Dhabi, Hong Kong, and Singapore, accretion operations and accretion its attendance in key areas.

Marie Tatibouet, Chief Marketing Officer at, said:

“Gate Ventures was founded with the aim of advance in agitative new companies in the crypto space. We accept that the cryptocurrency cyberbanking bazaar is abundantly underserved, abrogation the bazaar accomplished for innovators to drive growth. With added participants abutting the industry to bigger accommodated the growing charge for institutional aegis which lets investors cautiously authority and use crypto, we accept SEBA is in a different position for growth.”

The cryptocurrency bazaar aloof anesthetized the aboriginal beachcomber of institutional inflows, and Gate Ventures durably believes that it is the appropriate time to advance in agenda banks like SEBA. By introducing added cyberbanking account providers to crypto, institutional acceptance is accepted to abound badly over the years to come. By facilitating added bridges amid TradFi and decentralized finance, accumulation acceptance is accepted to follow.

Gate Ventures is a all-around adventure basic operation focused on advance in decentralized infrastructure, ecosystems, and applications that will adapt the apple in the agenda age. Endorsed by’s ecosystem, Aboideau Ventures offers financing, operational resources, and ability to the crypto association for next-gen innovations.