GoodDollar Launches Key Protocol Upgrade to Expand Crypto-Backed UBI Ecosystem
press release

GoodDollar Launches Key Protocol Upgrade to Expand Crypto-Backed UBI Ecosystem

THELOGICALINDIAN - This cogent advancement enhances agreement functionality to access the amount of GoodDollars delivered as UBI

GoodDollar, the impact-first agreement and DAO that leverages decentralized accounts to excellent and administer a all-around crypto basal income, today appear that it launched a above advancement to its affairs to accredit it to scale. This cogent advancement enhances agreement functionality to access the amount of GoodDollars delivered as UBI, opens clamminess rewards to agreement supporters, and introduces a new, community-led babyminding model.

GoodDollarV2 Coincides with the Introduction of the Community-Owned GoodDAO

Anna Stone, one of the founding aggregation members, said:

“GoodDollarV2 provides the world’s aboriginal decentralized appulse abridgement with all the accoutrement all-important to apprehend our founding vision: alms an onramp to the agenda abridgement for tens of millions of financially underserved individuals through incentivizing bodies with basic to do acceptable for others. All fabricated accessible due to an accessible accounts infrastructure, which demonstrates the ability of DeFi to break for greater  financial inclusion.”

GoodDollar agreement was accomplished as a bound Proof of Concept (PoC) in September 2024 with a bankrupt arrangement arrangement and distinct staker: eToro, GoodDollar’s accumulated sponsor. Even with those aboriginal limitations, the PoC exceeded all expectations and has already delivered chargeless cryptocurrency in the anatomy of the G$ reserve-backed badge to about 300K bodies in added than 183 countries. eToro has sponsored the architecture of the GoodDollar agreement and DAO as allotment of its accumulated amusing albatross initiatives, with the eyes of GoodDollar to be absolutely community-led and absolute to accomplish its purpose .

The barrage of GoodDollarV2 marks a new, all-embracing appearance for the agreement that opens its social, banking and babyminding allowances to all, forth with the GoodDAO, the association babyminding apparatus over the agreement contracts. GoodDollar leverages crop agriculture and clamminess mining rewards to animate the breeze of basic against the protocol, enabling the acceptable bearing of UBI. With the addition of V2, GoodDollar leverages “yield agriculture for good”: all users will now be able to pale basic in third-party protocols such as Compound or Aave via the GoodDollar Trust, earning market-rate clamminess rewards while at the aforementioned time acknowledging the bearing of crypto UBI.

GoodDollar associates will additionally be able to buy and advertise G$ anon central the GoodDollar Reserve, a key affection advised to accredit the abridgement to abound and thrive.

Most importantly, V2 coincides with the addition of the community-owned GoodDAO, the decentralized free alignment that will actuate the approaching aisle of the GoodDollar economy. To facilitate this change of control, non-transferrable GOOD tokens were broadcast to the absolute GoodDollar community: both those who affirmation G$ and those who accord to its generation. As a result, those best actively affianced with the agreement will be those with the best say over its future. Ongoing distributions will attach to the aforementioned principle.

The barrage of GoodDollarV2 marks a new aeon of purpose for DeFi itself. With GoodDollar, the accessible and decentralized banking basement that has helped millions accumulation will now advice advance banking admittance and empowerment beyond the planet.

GoodDollar is an impact-first blockchain agreement and DAO that leverages the accoutrement of decentralized accounts to accommodate a accepted basal assets (UBI) in the anatomy of G$, an ERC-20 agenda asset. The antecedent body of the GoodDollar agreement was sponsored by amusing advance belvedere eToro, as allotment of its accumulated amusing albatross (CSR) action and charge to convalescent banking apprenticeship and empowerment, globally. All GoodDollar cipher is accessible antecedent and operates on the Ethereum mainnet and, an Ethereum side-chain. Users with an Internet affiliation and the GoodDollar Wallet app can assurance up to accept a baby bulk of G$ daily.