Hathor Network: Making Blockchain Easy for Everyone
press release

Hathor Network: Making Blockchain Easy for Everyone

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE The blockchain anarchy has captured the absorption of millions in the accomplished decade The appearance of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin has redefined the abstraction of money while acute arrangement networks accept broadcast blockchain applications appear altered sectors

While crypto acceptance continues to grow, the onus is on the basal technology to acclimate to the new beachcomber of users. Ethereum charcoal the arch acute arrangement network, but its problems are able-bodied documented. Scalability issues and aerial gas fees on Ethereum makes it difficult for developers and new projects to advance quickly.

The code-eccentric attributes of Ethereum additionally agency that crypto enthusiasts with little abstruse ability acquisition it arduous to body decentralized applications (dApps). However, several new blockchain protocols accept sprung up in contempo years to action an alternative, and Hathor has accurate to be a accepted advantage amid developers and end-users.

An avant-garde blockchain project

Hathor is a proof-of-work based agreement that deploys DAG and blockchain abstracts structures aural an interoperable environment. The activity was accomplished in 2018 by a aggregation of awful accomplished developers, and its mainnet was launched in January 2020.

Hathor is one of the few blockchain protocols that is based on abundant accurate and bookish research. Its analysis cardboard was accounting by the CTO Marcelo Brogliato and appear as allotment of his PhD thesis.

Hathor has declared itself as the ‘’WordPress of blockchain’’ and provides a simplified blockchain arrangement area anybody can body solutions. Its one-stop band-aid agency that developers can body tokens and decentralized applications after the requirements of acquirements specific programming languages or frameworks like Solidity, Substrate and Rust.

Developers can additionally actualize acute affairs aural their arrangement via accessible APIs in assorted programming languages and accustomed coding tools. Hathor additionally offers a developer-friendly headless wallet that is advantageous for circuitous applications.

Hathor provides beneath access barriers for end-users, and anyone can excellent custom tokens aural a few account application its adaptable or desktop wallet. All that is appropriate is to lock 1 HTR badge for every 100 units of a custom badge created.

Non-fungible tokens accept been a growing trend in the crypto apple due to their appliance in agenda art, sports, and entertainment. Users can excellent NFTs aural the Hathor desktop wallet after any abstruse knowledge. NFTs minting alone costs 0.02 HTRs to be created, and users can alteration them aural the Hathor blockchain after added transaction fees.

Merged Mining abstraction

Hathor is one of the few blockchain protocols that use the abstraction of Merged mining. Merged mining enables the mining of added than one cryptocurrency after acute added proof-of-work effort.

Proof-of-work is an arduous algorithm but provides credible allowances in aegis and decentralization. Merged mining enables miners to access their advance at bargain costs back they don’t accept to buy added accouterments to abundance added cryptocurrencies.

Miners can abundance Hathor tokens HTR on F2Pool and Poolin, two of the best accepted mining pools on the bitcoin network. Also, the accepted HTR mining rewards will be bisected from Jan 5, 2022, from 32 to 16 tokens per block.

Key collaborations and use-cases

Hathor has accomplished massive acceptance back its mainnet barrage in 2024 and has been deployed by several projects. Some accommodate 9Block, an NFT belvedere congenital by Brazilian influencer Felipe Neto, AfferoFlow, Kick-Off Music and Databoi.

Dropull, an NFTs belvedere for in-game items in Cidade Alta, one of the better gaming servers in Latin America with 120,000 alive users, is additionally hosted on Hathor. In addition, the blockchain agreement has additionally launched Hathor Green, an action that incentivizes miners aural its agreement to advance blooming energy.

In addition, the blockchain agreement has agreed a strategic partnership with Simplex to barrage a debit agenda aural its ecosystem. Hathor is additionally chip with accepted accouterments wallet Ledger, and users can abundance their tokens application the device.

Exciting approaching advanced

The Hathor team has connected to assignment on new upgrades and partnerships that will advance the advance of its ecosystem and HRT token. An NFT activity is currently architecture a committed NFT exchange on Hathor, while HathorSwap, a DEX, is accepted to be launched in the advancing weeks.

Hathor has massive potential, and its aboveboard access appear blockchain applications positions it in the appropriate abode to become a arch crypto stakeholder in the future.

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