's $HEART Token Gets Listed on KuCoin and Tops $30 MM in Volume on the First Day of Trading
press release's $HEART Token Gets Listed on KuCoin and Tops $30 MM in Volume on the First Day of Trading

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Humansai aggregation is architecture the nextgeneration blockchain belvedere that brings calm an ecosystem of stakeholders about the use of AI to actualize at scale, abysmal tech aggregation developing an all-in-one belvedere for AI-based conception and babyminding at scale, is aflame to advertise that its built-in $HEART badge is now listed on one of world’s top cryptocurrency exchanges, KuCoin, as of Monday, Dec. 13th, accomplishing over $30 MM in aggregate on the aboriginal day of trading.

The Team is Building the Next-Generation Blockchain Platform that Brings Together an Ecosystem of Stakeholders Around the Use of AI to Create at Scale.

KuCoin is a above barter in the crypto market, accustomed back 2024 with added than 500 currencies included in its 750 trading pairs. KuCoin is acclimated by added than 10 actor registered users globally and is one of the better amusing trading platforms.

Sabin Dima,’s CEO, said:

“The advertisement of the $HEART badge on KuCoin is an important allotment of’s roadmap, as it represents allotment of the efforts actuality fabricated by the aggregation abaft the activity to advance acquaintance about the ecosystem for AI-based conception and babyminding at scale.” has afresh bankrupt its accessible badge auction on Polkastarter in almanac time, adopting $1,170,000 via the cross-chain badge alms platform. The aggregation launched the IDO (Initial Decentralized Offering) in affiliation with Polkastarter, to advice appoint the association in the added development of the decentralized platform. The $HEART badge auction went alive on Dec. 9th, and was anon oversubscribed, closing in beneath than 30 minutes. The  $1,170,000 accession has been the better basin on the Polkastarter belvedere so far.

The aggregation is architecture the next-generation blockchain belvedere that brings calm an ecosystem of stakeholders about the use of AI to actualize at scale. It combines a library of AI accoutrement into a artistic flat apartment area users will be able to aces and accept as they accompany their account to life. With, users are empowered to actualize and own their agenda likenesses, which may be acclimated either by themselves, or by others, in the conception of any cardinal of agenda assets. The company’s constructed media, AI apps, and added agenda assets advance blockchain technology to accomplish Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) as a way of creating transparency, provenance, accountability, and abiding governance. has ahead aloft $9 actor from over 60 world-class investors in their clandestine auction round, alignment from business leaders, tech admiral and blockchain experts to association leaders and top administration from tier-1 companies. Lead investors in the startup accept included Romanian administrator Răzvan Munteanu, one of the best alive investors in the blockchain space, and Elrond Research, the advance addendum of Romanian blockchain aggregation Elrond. is the aboriginal framework for ethical AI and blockchain. It is creating an all-in-one belvedere for AI-based conception and babyminding at scale, alpha with an antecedent focus on constructed media. Through its artistic flat and token-based buying and accountability system, is advised to ensure contributions are adequately adored and that every AI is kept honest over the continued term.

The built-in badge of the ecosystem, the $HEART token, empowers users to participate in the babyminding of the belvedere and facilitates key flows of amount aural it. All fees answerable aural the belvedere will be paid in $HEART.

KuCoin is a all-around cryptocurrency barter for abundant agenda assets and cryptocurrencies. Launched in Sept. 2024, KuCoin has developed to become one of the best accepted crypto exchanges and already has 10 actor registered users beyond 207 countries and regions about the world.