IBC Group, NFT Tech, and Faith Tribe to Launch Fashion-Focused Launchpad
press release

IBC Group, NFT Tech, and Faith Tribe to Launch Fashion-Focused Launchpad

THELOGICALINDIAN - Fashion DAO launchpad a fashionfocused launchpad for appearance brands and creators attractive to accomplish a advance in the Web3 arena

Web3 and Crypto incubators NFT Tech (NEO: NFT) and IBC Group accept partnered with the open-source appearance architecture platform, Faith Tribe, to barrage Appearance DAO launchpad, a fashion-focused launchpad for appearance brands and creators attractive to accomplish a advance in the Web3 arena.

The launchpad will accredit fashion-focused companies to tokenize and/or access the NFT amplitude to be a allotment of a growing Web3 ecosystem and affix with beyond audiences and marketplaces.

Fashion DAO Launchpad

With a key focus on the beginning appearance market, the launchpad will accommodate end-to-end solutions for appearance brands and appearance technology companies. Multiple casework will be delivered to abetment projects in ascent their NFT operations, including their whitepaper creation, tokenomics, and belvedere design, acknowledged and broker relations, underwriting, onboarding of early-stage VCs, and roll-out of trading on decentralized and centralized exchanges. On top of that, the launchpad provides casework like architecture communities, advancing business activities, and trading support. These casework will be provided by IBC and NFT Tech, longtime solution-makers in the space.

Built by industry experts with decades of experience, IBC Group and NFT Tech will be at the beginning of the launchpad, arch operations, while Faith Tribe will be advising on the projects that the launchpad onboards. Faith Tribe’s $FTRB badge will additionally serve as the launchpad’s built-in badge to pale so the association can participate in the accessible IDOs.

NFT Tech co-founder and CEO Mario Nawfal accept acclaimed Faith Tribe on their success in bridging the Web2 appearance amplitude into Web3: “Faith has approved the amount for any aggregation to barrage a token, but do it right, with a focus on creating amount and account for users while advancement aggregation eyes and values.”

Since Faith Tribe’s barrage of $FTRB on Feb 24th and the hiring of their brilliant new Chief Strategist, Andrea Abrams, Faith Tribe Co-owner Maria Buccellati has remarked that the activity has been “very abundantly afraid to accept been approached by covering appearance brands and appearance technology companies whom we accept accepted and/or with whom we accept formed for years, requesting our advice on tokenization and Web3 strategies.” Co-owner, Wahid Chammas, additionally appear that the barrage was “watched by abounding of our abutting contacts in the acceptable ‘bricks and mortar’ appearance industry, all of whom were watching us this accomplished year in our endeavor to axis from a acceptable decades-old business archetypal into a Web3 model. That they would like to assignment with us now is a accurate honor.”

Faith Tribe represents IBC and NFT Tech’s aboriginal evolution accomplice in the appearance space. Appearance DAO Launchpad will acquiesce the appearance association at ample to account from this accord and endeavor: “Faith Tribe $FTRB will be the built-in badge acclimated in this Launchpad, in befitting with our aesthetics for beat an open-source belvedere for absolute designers and artists. Through this move, we will advance to become an open-source belvedere additionally for absolute appearance companies pivoting to Web3.0.” said Wahid Chammas.

The capital evolution ally of Faith Tribe and the active force abaft Fashion DAO Launchpad, IBC Group, and NFT Tech accept a abiding attitude of arete in the Web3 space.

IBC Group is an industry-leading incubator and accelerator in the blockchain space, with abutting relationships with VCs, exchanges, launchpads & influencers.

NFT Technologies, a accessible aggregation listed on the NEO barter beneath the ticker ‘NFT’, is a arch investor, incubator, and IP accretion agent that provides admission to retail investors and armamentarium managers to the NFT and Metaverse space.

Together they accept decades of acquaintance in building, advance & accelerating top-tier Blockchain, NFT, and Metaverse projects in the Web 3 space. Adding Faith Tribe to the mix with their acquaintance in the Web3 and the appearance industry, the launchpad is able and has all the capacity to advice barrage abounding avant-garde appearance blockchain projects.

Faith Tribe is a collaborative appearance belvedere and ecosystem adherent to open-sourcing appearance aptitude and unlocking new opportunities for creators, artists, and appearance businesses everywhere, with a dual-chain badge ($FTRB), launched on the Ethereum (ERC20) and Polygon blockchains. Created by the owners of acclaimed appearance cast Faith Connexion, Faith Tribe will acquiesce creators to architecture and adapt their agenda and concrete appearance assets, excellent them into NFTs, and actualize and abide new aboriginal designs for admission to Faith Connexion’s all-encompassing design, manufacturing, marketing, and business ecosystem.

The mission of Faith Tribe is to advance a all-around architect ecosystem that fosters an across-the-board and accessible ambiance for the acknowledged creation, trading, distribution, and monetization of user-generated designs of appearance items.