Introducing Ebox - a Safe Haven for DeFi Users
press release

Introducing Ebox - a Safe Haven for DeFi Users

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Even admitting the blockchain ecosystem is generally said to be in its adolescence the about addition of the basal technology has not chock-full the connected arrival of new innovations into the amplitude during the accomplished few years Among the different account that accept sprung out in contempo years is that of decentralized accounts DeFi a ample ecosystem abounding with gamechanging banking casework operating through the agency of acute arrangement technology

If the blockchain ecosystem were to be compared to an ocean, the DeFi apple is a all-inclusive sea aural that, brandishing its own diversity. Inviting connected improvement, the appearance of new blockchain applications through DeFi added extends aloft absolute offerings in the space. One of the fastest-growing insurgence DeFi projects analytic not one, but abounding accustomed problems that can affect every DeFi user, is ebox.

ebox’s Tailored Innovations

ebox is a artefact of abstruse compassionate for the bearings of blockchain users and their needs, commutual with active research. Since its birth in aboriginal 2024, it has developed to become a trusted provider of casework with a different character, bringing aboveboard addition and account to end-users and businesses alike.

The ebox credo is simple: Creating solutions that advice accomplish crypto safer, added defended and added attainable to everyone. The belvedere has a cardinal of amount applications, the best important actuality declared subsequently:

For crypto businesses, ebox offers both off-the-shelf and awful customized implementations of their solutions. Their Lock-Free Staking and Gasless Governance, calm with a anew accessible centralized launchpad / fundraising belvedere accepted as the “ebox Investment Belvedere Service” (eIPS) are all accessible for integration, with added casework planned for the future. As the aggregation is solidifying its B2B (business-to-business) front, the account of projects powered by ebox solutions keeps growing continuously.

Approaching the abutting abundance of ebox’s capital casework revolving about the On-Chain Escrow, there are a cardinal of new functionalities actuality incubated in the abreast future. Among the artefact improvements accepted to be included are: A cross-chain NFT trading system, the decentralized basin deployment apparatus mentioned afore (eIPS), authorization on-ramp abutment for the escrow appliance acceptance users to buy and accelerate crypto easily, extending to added chains, a apparatus for managing and abandoning badge approvals, and a wallet bond solution. Beyond this, added affiliation of ebox solutions into partnering projects is additionally set to booty place, acceding ebox stakeholders a allotment of all generated assets through their payout program.

ebox Rebranding: Expanding the Original Vision

ebox has developed above its aboriginal eyes in about every way. The activity was initially branded “ethbox”, implying amalgamation with the Ethereum blockchain, but additionally the limitations this correlates with. The rebranding from “ethbox” to “ebox” highlights its success in accomplishing its founding goals and showcases the growing addendum and affiliation of ebox casework with added blockchain networks including Polygon, Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and Reef Chain, bringing the different eyes of ebox to the Polkadot ecosystem.

The rebranding comes with a new logo, a new website, and abstruse enhancements on top of the absolute “Safe Sending” concept. ebox resonates as a belvedere that is advised to be attainable for all DeFi users, bringing innovation, ease-of-use and artlessness to assorted currently accurate networks, with added chains and affection integrations advancing up in the future.

About ebox

Ebox is a provider of blockchain casework and accoutrement that are advised to annihilate the caveats and dangers of accustomed crypto use, authoritative it safer, added defended and added attainable for users and businesses alike. From its on-chain escrow service, including its arguable OTC badge bandy system, to the ebox lock-free staking arrangement and gasless governance, ebox is bound architecture a apartment of rock-solid solutions, furthering the boilerplate acceptance of cryptocurrency. Supported by DuckDAO back afore day one, ebox has formed partnerships with arresting names in the crypto amplitude such as Polygon, Reef and Vendetta Capital, with added set to appear as the activity keeps evolving.



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