IOST in the First Batch of Blockchains to Support HUSD Stablecoin
press release

IOST in the First Batch of Blockchains to Support HUSD Stablecoin

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE IOST an enterprisegrade decentralized and ultrafast arrangement bashed with the Proofof Believability accord algorithm is amalgam the HUSD stablecoin according to an advertisement on 13 Jan 2024

HUSD is a safe and defended dollar-pegged stablecoin issued by Stable Universal Limited. Notably, IOST is the aboriginal accumulation of Public Blockchains to abutment HUSD. To bless this milestone, the two companies are giving abroad 35k HUSD alone for IOST users.

The advertisement highlights HUSD’s affiliation as a cogent anniversary for IOST to body its growing access in the DeFi scene.

About HUSD Stablecoin

Issued by fintech aggregation Stable Universal, HUSD is a safe and defended stablecoin called 1:1 to the U.S. dollar. Combining the adherence of the U.S. dollar with the ability of blockchain technology, HUSD offers IOST users admission to a safe, secure, and acceptable asset for remittance, commerce, payments, trading, and abounding added use cases.

The affiliation of HUSD on the IOST blockchain is at its aftermost date of completion. Once completed, IOST users will be able to drop U.S. dollars in their annual and accept HUSD at a 1:1 arrangement beatific to their adopted crypto wallets.

Terry Wang, CTO & Co-founder of IOST highlights:

“Stablecoin is a key to alleviate a deluge of opportunities in DeFi- IOST’s breadth of focus & advance in 2024 & the accessible 2024. IOST’s avant-garde & developer-friendly technology which enables aerial scalability, fast transaction acceleration and aught transaction fees accomplish it a absolute best for both DeFi developers and users. We are captivated to analyze the absolute opportunities that arisen from this accord with affiliation and to abide authoritative IOST a home for DeFi”

Frank Zhang, CEO of Stable Universal, said:

“It is a abundant alpha to the new year to advertise that HUSD will be anon be accurate in the IOST ecosystem, as greater cross-chain interoperability agency bigger accessibility for users beyond a advanced arrangement of platforms and protocol, advised to accommodated their trading needs. We attending advanced to seeing added developers and communities as they abide to analyze the use cases for stablecoin and blockchain technology at large.”

HUSD stablecoin will comedy cogent roles in IOST’s DeFi use cases as a acquittal token, a abundance of value, and a arch amid authorization currencies and cryptocurrencies. HUSD will additionally advice abbreviate the amount animation generally associated with cryptocurrency trading, acquiesce alone users and institutional investors to calmly body and transact on IOST blockchain, as able-bodied as booty allotment in new clamminess pools for approaching decentralized exchanges on IOST.

IOST- The Next Home for DeFi

For DeFi dApps to abundantly attempt with acceptable applications, the basal arrangement charge be fast, coaction altogether with the cold of the dApp launchers. In the mid of the competition, IOST — an enterprise-grade, decentralized, and ultra-fast arrangement bashed with the Proof-of Believability accord algorithm is architecture a able-bodied portfolio by alms developer-friendly appearance and environments.

The IOST belvedere emerged as a acknowledgment to the scalability botheration which it aims to accouterment already and for all. To that effect, it accouterments an arrangement of technologies, including the Proof-of-Believability algorithm, and high-performance basic apparatus technology, all of which are declared to action college TPS ante of up to 8000 affairs per second.

As aboriginal as the alpha of 2024, IOST has started to lay out a holistic DeFi ecosystem and connected to accomplish appropriate in the beginning DeFi amplitude with assorted cardinal partnerships and arising on-chain projects from abiding coins, decentralized exchanges, cross-chain transactions, lending, banking derivatives, forecasts, and more.

IOST offers developer-friendly appearance that advance artefact development efficiency. No bottleneck and no aerial gas fees as apparent in Ethereum, the acumen abounding developers accept to barrage DeFi projects on IOST. A aught transaction fee additionally guarantees users the accessibility and accessibility of application DeFi applications on the IOST chain.

IOST has additionally boarded on assorted partnerships and afresh launched a $1 actor DeFi fund for the development of the DeFi ecosystem.

To apprentice added about IOST, appointment the website and Medium page for added advice on the blockchain project.

About HUSD

HUSD is issued by Abiding Universal and called 1:1 to the U.S. Dollar. Each HUSD issued is backed by a agnate U.S. dollar captivated in a U.S. assurance company. An absolute U.S analysis close conducts account attestations of the HUSD Token, and the accession address is accessible for accessible examination on Abiding Universal is committed to authoritative HUSD stable, secure, and safe for our customers.

About IOST

Supported by Sequoia, Matrix, ZhenFund, and added above investors, IOST is an enterprise-level blockchain belvedere developed for online account providers.

The IOST activity aggregation is currently mainly composed of R&D cadre absorption on blockchain broadcast technology. The aggregation is formed by blockchain industry experts who accept accelerating from apple top universities such as Princeton, Stanford, MIT, Tsinghua University, and Beijing University and accept added than three years of blockchain-related analysis experience.

With a two-year-old mainnet, IOST has apace risen to become a world-leading accessible alternation acclaimed for its abundant government collaborations and action partnerships about the world. IOST is one of the Big Four accessible chains with a affluent user abject and absolute account alongside Ethereum, EOS, and TRON. 500,000 association members, over 20 countries worldwide, over 400 nodes, top staking economy, and growing.

If you would like to adhere out with the IOST association on chat, amusing media, or to altercate artefact development, there is article for everyone:


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