Jigstack (STAK) Token Is Now Listed on Bitcoin.com Exchange
press release

Jigstack (STAK) Token Is Now Listed on Bitcoin.com Exchange

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Bitcoincom Exchange is athrill to advertise the advertisement of STAK actuality accessible to barter on the 7th June 2024 at 1000AM UTC STAK was created by the Jigstack aggregation as the disciplinarian and as its babyminding badge accumulation a array of specific DeFi protocols beneath one Jigstack awning STAK will alpha trading with USDT as a pair

What is Jigstack?

Jigstack is a decentralised free organisation administering a portfolio of ethereum arrangement assets and protocols. All assets deployed beneath the Jigstack cast are audited, non custodial, trusted and secure. By standardising a compatible affection with a aerial achievement and airy application, users all about the apple can administer their affairs with aplomb and comfort, alive their assets are safe and beneath their complete control.

What is the STAK token?

The appellation DAO stands for “decentralized free organization” and can be declared as an open-source blockchain agreement absolute by a set of rules, created by its adopted members, that automatically assassinate assertive accomplishments after the charge for intermediaries. Software or babyminding advance proposals, DAO direction, banking accomplishment for account providers, bell-ringer selection, etc. are all handled by association participation. DAO’s up to the accepted time accept been focused on specific types of protocols, whether that be lending platforms, NFT art marketplaces, decentralized exchanges, or alike leveraged crop agriculture platforms, all of these DAO’s are ambidextrous with a distinct product.

Jigstack, on the added hand, aims to actualize a structured arrangement for the DAO to abide within, utilizing $STAK as its babyminding token, accumulation a array of specific DeFi protocols under one Jigstack umbrella. With cardinal partnerships, such as Hedera Hashgraph, utilizing its protocols and creating its actual own centralized flagship DeFi products, Jigstack positions itself to be the cast name for the DAO of DeFi.

Strong Endorsement

Danish Chaudhry, CEO of Bitcoin.com Exchange, aggregate his angle on Jigstack, and their corresponding badge STAK: “The aggregation at Jigstack is run by some abundant developers in the sphere, and with their accepted and accessible partnerships, the belvedere will be one to be reckoned with, alike currently at its infancy. Their purpose is clear, to administer a ambit of aerial quality, revenue-generating arrangement solutions on the Ethereum blockchain, and with affairs for added interoperability, this is a activity to accumulate an eye on.”

Chaudhry continues on by saying: “We’re actual aflame to see how Jigstack will abide to empower their eyes to become the DAO for DeFi, and accretion added beat with our outstanding association at the exchange.”

Roby Weir, COO at Jigstack additionally bidding his activity with the listing: “We are aflame to be listed on Bitcoin.com Exchange. Their aggregation has been so accessible through the accomplished action and we are now attractive advanced to seeing Stak in added people’s hands.”


About Bitcoin.com Exchange

The mission of Bitcoin.com Barter is to empower bodies from all over the apple to barter cryptocurrencies with affluence and confidence, from first-time traders to avant-garde trading professionals. With aerial liquidity, 24/7 multilingual abutment and dozens of trading pairs, complemented with a aerial akin of security, we action an adorable belvedere for trading any cryptocurrency. Within one year back launch, on average, our barter has been visited by added than 500K alive traders per month, and this cardinal continues to abound as you apprehend this sentence.


About Jigstack

Jigstack’s eyes to accompany aback wholeness, simplicity, and compassionate to the users. The Jigstack agreement aims to do this by developing a apartment of advantageous flagship DeFi articles that are all absolute beneath a distinct Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). Jigstack is positioned as the DAO of DeFi. The belvedere is the “One Stop Shop” for aggregate DeFi, and on top of that, it offers an alternate and absorbing interface for users thereby acceptance them to calmly accept anniversary artefact and how to collaborate with it, appropriately accepting acknowledgment to the DeFi ecosystem in a safe and able manner.


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