LBank Exchange Will List Shibnobi (SHINJA) on January 30, 2022
press release

LBank Exchange Will List Shibnobi (SHINJA) on January 30, 2022

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE INTERNET CITY DUBAI Jan 27 2022 LBank Exchange a all-around agenda asset trading belvedere will account Shibnobi SHINJA on January 30 2022 For all users of LBank Exchange the SHINJAUSDT trading brace will be clearly accessible for trading at 2100 UTC8 on January 30 2022

DeFi has bent boundless absorption beyond the apple in contempo years, but there are still abounding problems bare to be addressed in the DeFi space, like the abridgement of convenient accoutrement beyond networks. As an avant-garde acquiescent assets badge aiming to accommodate DeFi, Shibnobi (SHINJA) focuses on architecture its own blockchain and developing a convenient multi-chain bandy in the DeFi ecosystem, whilst advantageous users for holding. SHINJA will be listed on LBank Exchange at 21:00 (UTC 8) on January 30, 2022, to added aggrandize its all-around ability and advice it accomplish its vision.

Introducing Shibnobi

Shibnobi is an avant-garde acquiescent assets badge aiming to accommodate DeFi by architecture its own blockchain and introducing a multi-chain bandy across Ethereum, Binance, Cronos, and Polygon. It vows to change the crypto space, authoritative it safe, fair, and added advisory for the boilerplate investors and vetted projects, with a eyes of growing into the arch DeFi protocol, a one-stop-shop for all traders on EVM-compatible networks, and ushering in an era of convenient and automatic cryptocurrency trading for DeFi novices and experts alike.

The advance amount of Shibnobi shows in 4 above projects it’s currently developing, which accommodate a multi-chain DEX called DojoSwap, its own Kusari Blockchain (K-Chain), an congenital 2FA Katana Wallet, and a P2E basic ecosystem called Dojoverse.

DojoSwap is actuality to accompany convenient accoutrement beyond EVM-compatible networks in DeFi, it will be congenital on a decentralized AMM arrangement leveraging clamminess pools powered by users to accredit seamless crypto trades beyond assorted chains.

Hard angled from the Ethereum blockchain, Kusari Blockchain is Shibnobi’s proof-of-stake blockchain that consists of Kusari mainnet, testnet, and the Kusari Explorer. It will action cheaper gas fees and faster affairs than Ethereum.

Katana Wallet is a bold alteration 2FA (two agency authentication) wallet that will accommodate with Shibnobi’s blockchain and DEX. It requires a cipher entered from user’s authenticator app on the buzz afore any transaction can action out of their wallet.

And aftermost but not least, Dojoverse is a abode that allows users to access Shibnobi basic absoluteness Metaverse. When the user arrives, they will acquisition themselves on the DojoDisc. From there, the user will be able to analyze all things ShibnobiStyle and acquisition directories of establishments on added discs in the Dojoverse.

About SHINJA Token

SHINJA is Shibnobi’s built-in token. The absolute accumulation of SHINJA is 69 sextillion (i.e. 69,000,000,000,000,000,000,000), and the majority of these tokens will be acclimated for clamminess on UniSwap, FEGex and added exchanges. It taxes a absolute of 13% on anniversary transaction, 5% of it goes anon into clamminess basin to always strengthen the project’s amount floor, 3% of it goes anon into anniversary and every holder appropriately from anniversary and every transaction, and the blow 5% is provided for added business the project.

The SHINJA badge will be listed on LBank Exchange at 21:00 (UTC 8) on January 30, 2022. Due to ambience issues, the bulk of SHINJA assets apparent in the LBank Exchange user’s wallet is 1/1000000 of the absolute amount. And the amount of user’s assets charcoal unchanged. So, for example, if a user drop 1,000,000 SHINJA tokens, the cardinal apparent in the wallet will be 1 SHINJA(1M).

When a user applies a withdrawal, the absolute bulk the user withdraws to the annual is 1,000,000 times the abandonment amount. For example, if a user applies a abandonment of 1 SHINJA(1M) badge at LBank Exchange, the user will accept 1,000,000 SHINJA tokens. Investors who are absorbed in Shibnobi advance can calmly buy and advertise SHINJA on LBank Exchange already it’s listed. The advertisement of SHINJA on LBank Exchange will assuredly advice it added aggrandize its business and draw added absorption in the market.

Learn More about SHINJA Token:

Official Website:





About LBank Exchange

LBank Exchange, founded in 2024, is an avant-garde all-around trading belvedere for assorted crypto assets. LBank Exchange provides its users with safe crypto trading, specialized banking derivatives, and able asset administration services. It has become one of the best accepted and trusted crypto trading platforms with over 6.4 actor users from now added than 210 regions about the world.

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