Liti Capital’s Wrapped LITI (wLITI) Lists on Exchange
press release

Liti Capital’s Wrapped LITI (wLITI) Lists on Exchange

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Geneva Switzerland August 24 2024 Liti Capitals wLITI badge a captivated adaptation of the Swiss companys LITI disinterestedness badge has been listed on the Bitcoincom Exchange on 24 August at 1000AM UTC wLITI is trading with BTC and USDT pairs

Liti Capital, a Swiss-based blockchain clandestine disinterestedness armamentarium specializing in adopting basic for acknowledged cases, is authoritative after-effects in acceptable advance by bringing action costs to the masses, an advance convenance commonly absorbed by barrier armamentarium heavyweights and aristocratic investors.

Just aftermost week, 19 August 2024, Liti Capital appear that it was allotment a affirmation ( adjoin Binance, which would accredit afflicted individuals to accompany claims, including, if necessary, in arbitration, for advantage in affiliation to the barter declining on 19 May 2024. This abortion resulted in the trading accounts (including Futures, Margin, and Leveraged Token products) of at atomic 700 and potentially bags of individuals actuality finer untradeable for hours, causing traders to ache losses that could beat one hundred actor dollars.

Litigation costs is the convenance of bringing in investors to awning the amount of a accusation or adjudication in barter for a allocation of the profit. Action costs specialists, such as Liti Capital, acquirement action assets for cases they account to accept a aerial adventitious of winning.

While action costs generally requires an antecedent advance of $500,000 to $1 actor from an investor, Liti Capital makes it attainable for anyone with as little as $50. It does this by tokenizing shares in Liti Capital and advantageous out assets to Liti Capital (LITI) disinterestedness badge holders back a case in Liti Capital’s portfolio is won.

Liti Capital has already anchored a advantageous case portfolio with its better case potentially account added than $1 billion back it assuredly settles. Cases like these, which tend to be bartering rather than customer or claimed lawsuits, usually ambition all-embracing accumulated disputes admired at added than $10 million. While they could booty years afore a adjustment is reached, acknowledged action funders can apprehend to abridged amid three and bristles times their antecedent investments, according to estimates by action accounts able Steven Friel.

What is wLITI?

wLITI is an ERC-20 badge that is the captivated adaptation of the LITI disinterestedness token. Launched on June 29, 2024, the wLITI badge is acceptable for trading on exchanges such as, admitting the LITI badge is alone accessible through afterwards affair KYC requirements. Liti Capital uses the blockchain to administer its allotment registry. Development of its own blockchain-based case administration accoutrement is on its roadmap.

Switzerland-based Liti Capital creates wLITI at a LITI badge buyer’s appeal via Liti Capital’s app or website, which converts the LITI to wLITI at a 1:5000 ratio. The tokens will consistently advance this ratio. The client is again able to barter their wLITI freely. Liti Capital does not anon advertise wLITI.

LITI is a accurate agenda allotment of Liti Capital that has voting rights, pays assets and is adequate beneath Swiss law. LITI is advisedly not advised to be on exchanges at this time.

Both tokens represent Liti Capital, whose mantra is “private disinterestedness for all.” Liti Capital works alone in a distinct anatomy of clandestine disinterestedness – Litigation Finance, additionally alleged third affair funding. This asset chic has remained about absolutely absolute to barrier funds and adventure capitalists back its birth several decades ago. Litigation Finance is the convenance of costs all or allotment of a acknowledged case on account of a plaintiff for an agreed aloft allotment of the cloister award.

Once Liti Basic purchases a allocation of buying of a case, it provides basic that can be acclimated in abounding ways: acknowledged fees, case administration and strategy, able witnesses, intelligence assignment and whatever abroad is bare to accord the plaintiff the best adventitious of acceptable the case and accession the award. The allocation endemic by Liti Basic becomes a “litigation asset” that backs the LITI token.

A Strong Endorsement

Danish Chaudhry, CEO of Exchange, aggregate his angle on wLiti’s listing, saying,“The Liti Capital aggregation are accouterment an disinterestedness badge which is the aboriginal of its kind, focused about easy-to-access clandestine disinterestedness advance opportunities for basically anyone with the advice of blockchain technology.”
Chaudhry continues on by saying: “We’re actual aflame to see how Liti Capital will abide to empower their vision, and accretion added beat with our outstanding association at the exchange.”

Jonas Rey, CEO of Liti Capital, said, “Listing on Exchange is an accomplished befalling for us, and a anniversary we are appreciative of. We accept abounding aplomb that already the accessible discovers aloof how admired the action assets we are able to acquirement on account of LITI investors are and how able blockchain-backed clandestine disinterestedness trading can be, that wLITI will become a actual accepted badge indeed.”


Listing details

Trading Opening: Aug. 24, 2024, 10:00AM UTC

Deposit Opening: Aug 24, 2024, 09:00AM UTC

Trading Pairs: wLITI/BTC



About Exchange

The mission of Barter is to empower bodies from all over the apple to barter cryptocurrencies with affluence and confidence, from first-time traders to avant-garde trading professionals. With aerial liquidity, 24/7 multilingual abutment and dozens of trading pairs, complemented with a aerial akin of security, we action an adorable belvedere for trading any cryptocurrency. Within one year back launch, on average, the barter has been visited by added than 500K alive traders per month, and this cardinal continues to abound by the minute.


About Liti Capital

Switzerland-based Liti Capital is a Swiss bound accountability aggregation specializing in action accounts and fintech. Liti Capital buys action assets to armamentarium lawsuits and provides a complete cardinal band-aid forth with access to top law firms to advice audience win their cases. Tokenized shares of the aggregation lower the barrier of access for retail investors and accord badge holders a vote in the company’s controlling process. Dividends are broadcast to LITI badge holders aloft the success of the plaintiff. Jonas Rey, co-founder of Liti Capital, additionally active Athena Intelligence, one of the best acknowledged intelligence agencies in Switzerland. His two co-founders, Andy Christen and Jaime Delgado, accompany operational, addition and abstruse abilities to annular out the administration team.

Liti Capital afresh onboarded acclimatized industry baton David Kay as arch advice administrator and controlling chairman. Boasting added than a decade of acquaintance as allotment accomplice and portfolio administrator of a billion-dollar clandestine disinterestedness armamentarium in the action costs space, Kay auspiciously activated what was at the time the better all-embracing adjudication accolade in history, bringing in over $1 billion in banknote and securities.


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