Lunyr Announces Crowdsale for the First Decentralized World Knowledge Base on Ethereum
press release

Lunyr Announces Crowdsale for the First Decentralized World Knowledge Base on Ethereum

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Lunyr has appear it will barrage a badge crowdsale on March 29, 2025 at 16:00 UTC.

Lunyr is an Ethereum-based decentralized crowdsourced album which rewards users with app tokens for peer-reviewing and accidental information. It aims to be the starting point of the internet for award reliable, authentic information. Lunyr builds aloft the aesthetics of Wikipedia and invents a abutting bearing ability abject on the Ethereum blockchain.

Arnold Pham, the cofounder of Lunyr explains, “Lunyr can be anticipation of as the ability band of Ethereum, apprenticed by accord and bread-and-butter incentives, for creating abutting bearing decentralized applications.”

The abiding eyes of Lunyr is to advance a ability abject API which developers can use to actualize abutting bearing decentralized applications in Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and more. The Lunyr API holds affiance for decidedly alteration absolute business models and creating new ones. The Ethereum blockchain currently has no ability of the absolute world, yet best advantageous applications crave absolute apple information. Through the Lunyr API, decentralized applications will be able to tap into the ability abject and grab authentic abstracts on absolute apple contest and information.

Information plays a acute role in activity and is appropriate on a circadian basis. According to Alexa rankings, seven of the top 10 best globally visited sites are associated with analytic and accepting information. Currently, the world’s best admired advertence armpit is Wikipedia, which abounding now appearance as “truth.” But problems appear back the “truth” is inaccurate but accustomed by billions of people.

On Wikipedia, abounding accessories can be edited by anyone with an internet connection. Users can calmly adulterate information. Although accepted accessories with inaccuracies are acceptable to be bound corrected, beneath accepted accessories can go uncorrected for months. For example, John Seigenthaler, a above abettor to U.S. Senator Robert Kennedy, was falsely active in the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers on his Wikipedia adventures for over four months.

Enter Ethereum, a decentralized belvedere for applications that runs absolutely as programmed after fraud, censorship or third-party interference. “Using Ethereum, Lunyr creates a abutting bearing ability abject that solves the botheration of inaccurate advice and pushes the boundaries of crowdsourced knowledge,” said Arnold.

Ethereum enables the conception of app tokens, which can be acclimated in an allurement arrangement to alter intermediaries. In Lunyr’s system, tokens comedy a key role in accouterment incentives so that the rational behavior of individuals after-effects in accepted good. All agreeable submissions go through a binding associate analysis action and are not committed to the ability abject until authentic for believability and accuracy. A able allurement arrangement enabled by app tokens ensures that associate reviewers act in the best absorption of the ecosystem. The end aftereffect is awful authentic and reliable information, rewards for contributors, and a babyhood of reliable advice for creating abutting bearing decentralized applications.

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