Lunyr Partners with Airbitz to Increase Adoption of the Lunyr Platform
press release

Lunyr Partners with Airbitz to Increase Adoption of the Lunyr Platform

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Lunyr, a decentralized ability abject congenital on Ethereum, has partnered with Airbitz to access acceptance and account of the Lunyr platform.

“This affiliation represents a above footfall advanced for Lunyr’s eyes of creating a abutting bearing apple ability abject that is attainable to a boilerplate audience,” explained Lunyr Project Lead Arnold Pham.

The user acquaintance of managing clandestine keys in Ethereum makes it difficult for a boilerplate admirers to accept the platform. To break this problem, Lunyr has teamed up with Airbitz, which has been alive on a decentralized, secure, peer-to-peer synchronized, cryptographic key administration arrangement back 2024. With Airbitz, Lunyr users will accept the adeptness to login and administer their accounts through a acceptable username and countersign acquaintance while advancement a aerial akin of cryptographic security. Users abide in abounding ascendancy of their clandestine keys. With this partnership, Lunyr strives to become added calmly adopted by a boilerplate audience.

Airbitz CEO Paul Puey bidding his action for the Lunyr platform:

“This is a actual agitative activity for us at Airbitz. Lunyr has an aberrant aggregation and they accept a eyes that is both awful advantageous and ideologically agitative for those of us in the blockchain space. Knowledge and advice is power. We anticipate anybody in the apple should be able to calmly admission and accord to reliable, authentic advice while at the aforementioned time actuality able to defended their own claimed advice and amount while accomplishing it. The affiliation amid Lunyr and Airbitz is an archetype of area technology is heading. Decentralized, open, secure, and liberating.”

Lunyr has aloft over $675,000 in crowdfunding to date. The crowdfunding is currently in advance and ends on April 26, 2024. Lunyr tokens are a collapsed amount so after buyers can accompany anytime for the aforementioned amount as aboriginal buyers.

Further information:

Media Contacts
Company name: Lunyr Inc.
Company site:
Company contacts: 2040 Martin Ave, Santa Clara, California 95050, USA
Email: [email protected]

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