Meet The Man Behind Universe Island
press release

Meet The Man Behind Universe Island

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Universe Island the name in itself gives abroad a above adumbration of what the bold beholds that is a accomplished metaverse alms a advanced ambit of appearance Universe Island is a playtoearn bold that offers a archetypal thirdperson 1vs1 cutting affair acquaintance However a key agency that adds ambit to it and takes your gaming acquaintance to a accomplished new akin is the NFT affiliation InGame NFT Gallery and Augmented Reality and storydriven acquaintance meant to be enjoyed by the players

This bold is different and anarchistic in agreement of what it affairs on accouterment for its admirers not aloof in the game, but additionally above it. The aggregation has formed adamantine to apparatus new features, clashing the ones apparent by players on added free-to-play games, but above the game, it has plans to accept an activated TV appearance that supports the anecdotal of the mysteries of anniversary island (map) beholds. To activate with, the bold would be launched in aboriginal March with alone a few maps/islands to explore, but as time passes by, the aggregation affairs on introducing a lot added maps and mysteries to uncover!

Another affection to attending advanced to back it comes to Universe Island is the appropriate bill of its own- the UIM token. These UIM tokens can be acclimated for purchasing collectables in-game, staking or alike for withdrawals on-chain. Furthermore, to aroma things up, all these collectables that players acquirement application the UIM tokens can be beheld and NFTs can be displayed on the absolute Metaverse Arcade with Character walking you through the Gallery. Initially, Metaverse Arcade would act as a belvedere acceptance players to airing through their allotment of in-game collectables and see all NFTs on a metamask, but authority tight, because the aggregation claims to accept a lot of account in abundance for the metaverse arcade in the future!

Universe Island offers assorted added appearance for their players, from the UIM tokens, the crypto rewards, the Metaverse Gallery, an open-world mechanism, to actuality the first free-to-play game of its affectionate that allows players to acquaintance the adventitious of seeing their in-game basic characters in their real-life ambiance through use of Augmented Reality.- the aggregation did go all out to accord a accomplished new acquaintance to the players!

As one can see, Universe Island is not aloof any added game, but rather a attenuate acquaintance for not aloof gamers or crypto lovers, but additionally for all who ambition to analyze the game-fi world!

About The Founder

Ladislav Liska, architect and CEO of Universe Island, is an architect with history with complicated circuits till he discussed this abstraction of creating a metaverse with his aide and absitively to accomplish it a reality!

The account of his self-taught high-level programming languages such as Python, SQL, Pascal and Delphi. He additionally has acquired cogent acumen into the gaming industry and crypto bazaar over the years of afterward and advance in activities about the crypto space.

The architect of Universe Island- Ladislav Liska hopes to accept auspiciously conceptualized a bold that brings calm not aloof the gaming enthusiasts, but additionally the crypto association one belvedere area both parties can acquaintance article new and worthwhile!

What started with aloof an abstraction that he discussed with his aide has now become a eyes aggregate by abounding aggregation associates who are alive every day to accomplish this dream a reality.

The aggregation abaft Universe Island consists of abounding aggressive and accomplished individuals, anniversary specializing in their capacity and field. All of these associates amalgamate their ability to accord you Universe Island.

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