Meta Apes Launches on BNB Application Sidechain
press release

Meta Apes Launches on BNB Application Sidechain

THELOGICALINDIAN - The blockchain affiliation agency it will accommodate ingame cryptocurrencies NFT characters and accurate agenda ownership

Meta Apes, a chargeless play-to-earn MMO action bold advised for a mobile-first experience, has become the aboriginal bold to go alive on the BNB Application Sidechain (BAS). Meta Apes is now accessible for Android accessories on Google Play, with the iOS app advancing in the abreast future.

Full Web3 Capabilities

The bold is set in a post-apocalyptic apple area altruism has vanished and a new era disqualified by Apes has begun. Next on the calendar is amplitude domination. Each amateur will accept to assignment carefully with his or her Gang to become the arch Clan and win the ultimate chase to space.

Taylor Shim, Business Lead at Meta Apes, said:

“Meta Apes was built-in out of this abstraction of creating a community-oriented bold that offers both audiences article valuable: an befalling for the acceptable gamers to acquire & absolutely own their in-game assets and a abundant added alternate and agreeable acquaintance to the blockchain gamers who are primarily attractive to earn. Building on an application-focused sidechain helps us abstain a lot of the accepted issues apparent in blockchain gaming like arrangement bottleneck and giving us a lot added adaptability in agreement of bold architecture & tokenomics.”

Using Ankr’s gaming software development kit (SDK), Meta Apes has accumulated the fun gameplay that users adulation in Web2 with the incentives and monetization mechanisms that are an basic allotment of Web3. With abounding Web3 capabilities, added scalability, and automatic bold mechanics, Meta Apes has upped the ante in blockchain gaming.

The blockchain affiliation agency it will accommodate in-game cryptocurrencies, NFT characters, and accurate agenda ownership. The game-related abstracts lives on the blockchain instead of a centralized server controlled by a gaming studio. With accurate ownership, players are able to barter or advertise their in-game assets advisedly and additionally acquire while playing.

Ankr additionally helped body the BNB Appliance Sidechain (BAS), which enables developers to actualize and accomplish their own blockchains active alongside to the BNB Chain mainnet. With committed sidechains, apps and amateur like Meta Apes will accept a abundant college throughput and acutely low transaction fees. Developers can body committed blockchains that clothing the needs of their different appliance after defective to attempt with cartage advancing from all the added apps active on the BNB Chain.

Ankr’s new Web3 Gaming SDK gives bold studios and developers aggregate they charge to actualize an amazing Web3 bold like Meta Apes, from best-in-class Web3 basement to NFTs, marketplaces, and multi-chain wallet integrations. Its SDKs advice bold studios catechumen their Web2 amateur to Web3 bound and seamlessly by abacus NFTs, crypto acquittal gateways, and added mechanisms. It took Meta Apes alone about a ages to catechumen from Web2 to Web3 application Ankr’s Gaming SDK.

Ankr helps blockchain companies and developers who body on them by accouterment the best basement and multi-chain solutions in the industry for accessing blockchain abstracts fast and reliably. Ankr launched the Ankr Protocol in 2024, which serves over 200B requests a ages beyond 50 blockchains, and is on clue to be the ascendant baton in RPC services.